Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 08 2022
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                   PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Shell warns of tight LNG market in 2022

        GLOBAL           SHELL said on February 21 it expected the  integrated gas, renewables and energy solutions,
                         global LNG market to remain tight in 2022, after  Wael Sawan, commented. “As countries develop
                         a 6% climb in demand last year.      lower-carbon energy systems and pursue net-
                           In its latest LNG outlook, the oil major said  zero emissions goals, focusing on cleaner forms
                         that growing demand in China and South Korea  of gas and decarbonisation measures will help
                         had driven the increase in consumption last year,  LNG to remain a reliable and flexible energy
                         with China raising its imports by 12mn tonnes  source for decades to come.”
                         to 79mn tonnes, surpassing Japan as the world’s   To avoid future price spikes, Shell said a more
                         largest buyer. Chinese LNG buyers signed long-  strategic approach was needed to ensure that gas
                         term contracts for more than 20mn tonnes per  supply remains reliable and flexible in the future.
                         year (tpy) of supply during 2021.    It forecast that an LNG supply-demand gap was
                           Exports grew last year in spite of various out-  expected to emerge in the mid-2020s, stressing
                         ages, including in Australia and Norway, thanks  the need for extra investment to meet rising
                         to a surge in US deliveries of 24mn tonnes. This  demand, particularly in Asia.
                         means the US is on track to become the world’s   Global LNG demand is set to exceed 700mn
                         largest exporter this year.          tpy by 2040, Shell said, representing a 90%
                           “Last year showed just how crucial gas and  increase on the level in 2021. The majority of this
                         LNG are in providing communities around the  growth – 70% – will originate in Asia, as indig-
                         world with energy they need as they strived to  enous production in the area declines, regional
                         get back on track following the difficulties caused  economies grow and LNG replaces higher-emis-
                         by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Shell’s director for  sions energy sources.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       BP starts up Herschel expansion

        GULF OF MEXICO   BP announced the start-up of the Herschel
                         expansion project in the US Gulf of Mexico
                         on February 22. The first phase of the project
                         involves a new subsea production system and
                         the first of up to three wells tied back to the Na
                         Kika platform.
                           The first well is located in Mississippi Can-
                         yon Block 520, around 140 miles (225 km) off the
                         coast of New Orleans, Louisiana. It was drilled
                         to a depth of roughly 19,000 feet (5,791 metres),
                         in water depths of 6,700 feet (2,042 metres). BP
                         operates the project with a 50% interest, while
                         Shell holds the other 50%.
                           At its peak, the well is expected to increase the
                         gross production at Na Kika by around 10,600
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd). BP
                         said in its statement that the Herschel project
                         provides infrastructure for future well tie-in  vice-president for the Gulf of Mexico and Can-  Herschel is tied back to
                         opportunities.                       ada, Starlee Sykes. “Focusing our hydrocarbons   the Na Kika platform.
                           “Herschel is a great example of the type of  business on the highest quality resources such as
                         fast-payback, high-return tie-back opportuni-  these sits at the heart of BP’s strategy.”
                         ties we continue to deliver as we focus and high-  According to the statement, Herschel is
                         grade our hydrocarbons portfolio,” stated BP’s  the first of four major projects that BP expects
                         senior vice-president of projects, production and  to bring online globally in 2022. Indeed, the
                         operations, Ewan Drummond.           super-major is currently set to bring a new plat-
                           “Like other recent start-ups in the Gulf of  form, Argos, online in the Gulf this year as part
                         Mexico, with Herschel we are tying into existing  of the Mad Dog 2 development. By the mid-
                         infrastructure to produce some of the most effi-  2020s, BP anticipates raising its Gulf production
                         cient barrels in the world,” said BP’s senior   to about 400,000 boepd on a net basis.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   24•February•2022
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