Page 6 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Baghdad cancels

       Zhenhua’s crude

       prepayment deal

       Iraq has cancelled a prepayment deal with a Chinese firm and sold the crude to other
       customers as oil markets remain much stronger than when the contract was announced.

        MIDDLE EAST      WITH crude prices remaining buoyant, the   “We have demand for our crude more than
                         Iraqi Ministry of Oil (MoO) has cancelled a  the availability of crude, so at any time we have
                         $4bn prepayment crude supply deal agreed with  excess of crude, a number of customers would
       WHAT:             China’s Zhenhua Oil Co. in December. Progress  need to take it and to increase their contractual
       SOMO’s 48mn-barrel per   on the contract stalled in February as Baghdad  quantities based on it,” he said.
       year deal with Zhenhua   benefited from rising oil prices, and an official   In December, Zhenhua was awarded a five-
       is off as Iraq’s realised   from state oil marketer SOMO said this week  year term crude supply tender from Iraq’s state
       crude price jumps by   that the crude allocated for the prepayment had  oil marketer SOMO under an arrangement that
       nearly a quarter over six   now been sold to other customers.  included a $2bn pre-payment for the first year’s
       months.             The move is unsurprising given the dramatic  crude volume. The agreement guaranteed Zhen-
                         increase in crude prices. Zhenhua’s prepayment  hua the supply of 48mn barrels per year of crude
       WHY:              deal assumed a price of $41.67 per barrel, while  from January 2021 to December 2025.
       The deal would have seen   the price achieved by SOMO has increased by   The contract had been pending approval by
       Iraq guarantee crude   more than 23% since January, reaching $65.82  the Iraq Cabinet and Finance Ministry, following
       sales to the Chinese firm   in May.                    which Zhenhua was to be given 30 days to pay
       at a price of $41.67 per                               the $2bn pre-payment for loadings between July
       barrel compared with the   Inapplicable                1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.
       price achieved in May of   Speaking to S&P Global Platts, SOMO’s deputy   In February, the country’s oil minister, Ihsan
       $65.82.           director-general Ali al-Shatari said: “For the time  Abdul Jabbar, announced that the deal had been
                         being we may say it is not applicable at this stage  frozen. Speaking to BBC News Arabia at the
       WHAT NEXT:        because of oil prices, which are high, and we are  time, he said: “There was a fear that oil prices will
       Despite the move,   in a better position and we are even generating  not rise above $40 per barrel and we were afraid
       relations remain strong   additional profits in excess of what the Iraqi  of the delay in the [fiscal] budget approval. We
       and Iraq is seeking to   budget needs.”                had a number of incentives to do this announce-
       continue building bridges   He added that the crude had already been  ment for the first time in Iraq.”
       with Chinese customers.  “allocated”.                    However, he added: “with the start of this year

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