Page 9 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

                         by way of an addition to the 2019 agreement  the transportation cost was calculated at $11
                         which covered 10,000 bpd of crude oil sup-  from Baiji to Jordan, and this is among the items
                         plies. Last week’s ‘reactivation’ of the deal also  of bilateral agreements between the two coun-
                         included continued implementation of a 300-km  tries, and the supreme interest is valued by the
                         dual-circuit electric antenna transmission line  country and the government.”
                         that connects Jordan’s Risha conversion station
                         and Iraq’s al-Qaim substation. This will provide  Syria
                         around 1,000 GWh per year of electricity to Iraq.  In Jordan, Energy Minister Hala Zawati dis-
                         The two governments signed a deal last year that  cussed the status of work to connect their grids
                         sought to interconnect the countries’ electricity  and the condition of the Arab Gas Pipeline
                         grid as part of a wider ‘Gulf Grid’ as Iraq seeks  (AGP) with Syrian Oil Minister Bassam Tomeh
                         to wean itself off reliance on Iranian electricity.  and Electricity Minister Ghassan Zamel.
                           The pre-existing bilateral deal was signed in   They discussed collaboration in renewables,
                         February 2019 for Iraq to cover around 7% of  gas, rehabilitating the AGP and the importance
                         Jordan’s oil demand. After lengthy delays, the  of cross-border electricity interconnectivity.
                         first batch of Iraqi crude was trucked from Baiji   Both Tomeh and Zamel spoke of their desire
                         to Jordan via Kirkuk in September that year.  co-operate with Jordan to rehabilitate the vital
                           At the time, it was reported that Jordan would  infrastructure, with Syria only likely to play the
                         purchase the oil at a $16 per barrel discount to  role of importer. For Jordan, this could be an
                         Brent in order to cover the transport and devia-  opportunity to find an offtaker for its oversup-
                         tion in specifications with Iraqi goods exported  ply of electricity from solar projects with which
                         through the port of Aqaba, receiving preferential  the grid cannot cope, causing delays to project
                         rates in return.                     progress.
                           However, in early January, in an interview   Meanwhile, Iraq has also spoken to Syria
                         with the Iraq News Agency (INA), Alaa al-Ya-  about potentially importing Egyptian gas
                         siri, general manager of Iraq’s state oil marketer  through the country, though this would require
                         SOMO, said: “The Oil Marketing Company  the major rehabilitation work on damaged con-
                         does not have differential prices, but rather fixed  duits connecting Baniyas and either Haditha
                         prices according to the market … Jordan stip-  in central Iraq or an old line which links to the
                         ulated that, according to the Cabinet’s decision,  Kirkuk-Ceyhan in the north.™

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