Page 14 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                               FUELS                                               DMEA

       Sonangol hires Vitol and

       TOTSA for fuel import

        AFRICA           ANGOLA’S state-owned Sonangol this week  product imports and giving it scope to become
                         announced that it had contracted Vitol and Total  an exporter of fuels. In addition to the Cabinda
                         Trading SA (TOTSA) – a subsidiary of France’s  unit, the Luanda facility is being overhauled,
                         TotalEnergies – to import gasoline and diesel for  while a 100,000 bpd facility is being constructed
                         the next year.                       at Soyo in the northern Zaire province.
                           The award will see Vitol import gasoline   The future flagship of the industry, however,
                         and TOTSA diesel following a public tender  will be the 200,000 bpd greenfield unit that has
                         launched by Sonangol in March. A total of 27  been at the planning stage, just outside the port
                         companies were invited to participate, ensuring  city of Lobito in Benguela Province, since the
                         a competitive process.               turn of the century.
                           Bids were submitted by London-based BP;   Sonangol last week said it would launch a
                         trading houses Trafigura, Gunvor and Mercuria;  tender for advisory services related to the estab-
                         Japan’s Idemitsu; Portuguese integrated player  lishment of the company that will operate a new-
                         Galp; UK-based Gemcorp, which is develop-  build refinery and to the financing of the refinery
                         ing a 60,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery in the  project. It will hold an event on July 9 at which it
                         Cabinda exclave; Vitol and TOTSA.    will explain the requirements for participation
                           Only 25% of refined products sold in the  in the tender, while revealing the deadlines for
                         country during 2020 were refined domestically  submitting bids.
                         – at the ageing 38,000 bpd Luanda refinery –   Sonangol’s downstream arm Sonaref expects
                         while 3% were provided by facilities belonging  the $8bn facility to be completed by 2025 at a
                         to Chevron subsidiary Cabinda Gulf Oil Com-  1.5-square km site just north of Lobito.
                         pany Ltd (CABGOC), with the remaining 72%   Angola has around 680,000 cubic metres
                         imported.                            of liquid fuel storage, with Sonangol hold-
                           Angola has several ongoing downstream  ing 52.45% and the remainder held by trader
                         projects aimed at reducing its reliance on refined  Pumangol.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2021
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