Page 13 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       Edo modular refinery

       ready for action

        NIGERIA          THE governor of Nigeria’s Edo State said this  litres of fuel oil.
                         week that a modular refinery at Ologbo in the   Its development is being carried out in two
                         state’s Ikpoba-Okha local government area is  phases, with the first intended to complete a 500
                         now ready to begin operations.       bpd demonstration refinery and the second to
                           Speaking ahead of a tour of the refinery by  construct a 5,000 bpd facility.
                         the facility’s managing director, Tim Tian, for-  In September 2018, a local government state-
                         mer investment banker Godwin Obaseki said:  ment said that Obaseki had approved a state
                         “We were in China to sign this memorandum of  contribution of NGN700mn ($1.94mn) for the
                         understanding (MoU). I am very impressed that  modular refinery.
                         work has moved [at] such a speed in spite of the   This followed an earlier announcement that
                         delay caused by [the coronavirus] COVID-19  the state government had signed an MoU with
                         pandemic.”                           Chinese firm Peiyang Chemical Equipment Co.
                           He added: “The plant is ready to receive crude  Ltd (PCC) for the construction of a 1,000 bpd
                         oil; it is ready to process and it is ready to deliver  refinery, which was expected to be completed in
                         products. They have done the pre-commission  April 2019.
                         with the Department of Petroleum Resources   Obaseki said: “What we have left now is to
                         [DPR], they have certified the refinery.”  finalise the crude oil sale contract, these facilities
                           The Edo Modular Refinery is being devel-  have to get a certain type of crude from the Escra-
                         oped by Edo Refinery and Petrochemicals  vos line and that is being finalised. I hope that
                         Company Ltd to process 6,000 barrels per day  before the end of August, we should start lifting
                         (bpd) of local crude and produce refined prod-  products from this refinery.”
                         ucts including kerosene, diesel, naphthalene and   Speaking to the importance of gaining buy-in
                         petrochemicals.                      from the local community, the Traditional Ruler
                           The project company was launched by Obase-  of the Ologbo community, Owen Akenzua, said:
                         ki’s Edo state administration.       “My people are excited that such project will go
                           Edo Modular Refinery will receive feedstock  a long way in improving the socio-economic
                         from Nigerian Petroleum Development Co.’s  development for our community.
                         (NPDC) oil mining lease (OML) 111, near Benin   The governor has this project dear to his
                         City. The facility will produce 500,000 litres of  heart, not only this project, the power plant is
                         diesel, 300,000 litres of naphtha and 200,000  also situated in Ologbo.”™

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