Page 17 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

                                           Thousands join Iranian               striking workers.
       POLICY                                                                   media posts, Tehran’s refinery has fired 700
       To progress, Nigeria must  energy sector protests                        Tehran Oil Refining Company, denied the
                                                                                  Shaker Khafai, spokesman for the state-run
       remove subsidy on petrol            The industrial action besetting Iran’s oil, gas   dismissal report and said a sub-contractor
                                                                                had laid off 35 workers, the state news agency
                                           and petrochemicals industry has involved
       The Minister of State for Petroleum Resources,  thousands of workers mounting protests to   IRNA reported.
       Timipre Sylva, has reiterated the need to   demand better wages and working conditions,   For many Iranians, the mood in the
       deregulate the downstream sector through   local news reports and social media posts   country was also soured by the early June
       market-driven pricing of products to boost   indicate. The action seems mainly focused   presidential election—a Guardian Council
       the country’s economy.              on southern gas fields and some refineries in   vetting body refused to allow any leading
         Sylva made this known when he featured at   proximity to big cities.   moderates to contest the poll, which was then
       the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) forum on   Iran continues to endure worsened   won with a landslide by religious hardliner
       Sunday in Abuja.                    economic hardship amid continuing US   Ebrahim Raisi. The turnout, which some
         “I will say that my stand on fuel subsidy   sanctions and a severe, ongoing coronavirus   analysis put as low as 42% when spoiled
       and deregulation is well known. I strongly   outbreak. There have actually been protests by   ballots were taken into account, was registered
       believe that for this country to move forward,   workers and pensioners for several months,   as the worst ever as millions of Iranians
       for our economy to make the progress it   with the inflation rate of more than 50% and   stayed away from the polling stations in
       desires, we need to have a market-driven   high unemployment souring sentiment. The   disillusionment or protest.
       pricing of products.                protests are dubbed “Campaign 1400” with   BNE
         “A situation where you produce something   reference to the Persian calendar year that
       at a certain cost and you have to sell it at a   started in March.
       lower cost to people because you are taking   An unspecified number of workers with   COMPANIES
       some of that burden off the people is not the   temporary hiring contracts “stayed home” to
       best.                               press for higher wages last week in Assaluyeh,   Petkim postpones
         “It is a very desirable thing but it is also   Iran’s main gas production hub on the Persian
       not too sustainable because what happens is   Gulf, the semi-official Iranian Labour News   instalment in Rafineri
       that you produce it for N10, you sell it for N5;   Agency (ILNA) reported, noted Reuters.
       tomorrow, you produce it again at N10, you   There is said to be anger at the   agreement
       add N5 from somewhere, produce it again at   consequences of replacing retiring full-
       N10 and sell it for another N5.     time workers in the energy industry with   Petkim postponed the payment of the third
         “So, the losses increase and compound on a  employees hired on a temporary contract   instalment of the Refinery Holding Share
       daily basis and those accumulated losses have   basis. After 20 years of this practice, there are,   Purchase Agreement.
       brought us to where we are,” he said.  for example, said to be more than 150,000   Petkim announced to the Public Disclosure
         According to him, people’s view that if the   temporary workers in the Iranian oil industry   Platform (KAP) that the payment of the third
       refineries are working, importation of product   who are denied the benefits that full-time,   instalment of the Refinery Holding Share
       will stop is not the real issue on ground. Sylva   long-term contract workers enjoy.  Purchase Agreement was postponed.
       said that subsidy was part of the things that   Some lawmakers are supportive of the   “With various decisions of the Board
       made the refineries to stop operating in the   energy industry workers. “Since we learned   of Directors of our Company, in order to
       country.                            of the labour actions and their salary and   ensure that our Company becomes an 18%
         “Part of the reasons why the refineries were   benefit demands... the issues are being   indirect shareholder in the capital of STAR, a
       not working is subsidy because a refinery that   seriously followed up in [parliament’s] Energy   Share Sale Agreement (HSS) of 720,000,000
       is producing something at a certain cost and   Commission,” Mousa Ahmadi, a lawmaker   USD was signed with SOCAR Turkey; the
       selling at a loss, how can it sustain itself.  whose district includes Assaluyeh, told ILNA.  share transfer fee was paid in three equal
       PREMIUM TIMES                         According to rights groups and social   instalments; decided to make the instalment

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