Page 12 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                              SUPPLY                                               DMEA

       Aramco anticipates major

       role in blue hydrogen

        MIDDLE EAST      STATE-OWNED  Saudi Aramco  this  week  alongside the Japan’s Institute of Energy Eco-
                         spoke of plans to be a major player in the emerg-  nomics (IEEJ) last year. In September, Aramco
                         ing blue hydrogen market, though it reiterated  shipped its first cargo of blue ammonia to Japan
                         that it does not anticipate significant growth in  to be used in zero-carbon power generation.
                         the sector until the end of the decade.  The 40-tonne shipment was generated by
                           During an interview with Bloomberg TV,  Aramco and was made in collaboration with
                         chief technology officer Ahmad al-Khowaiter  Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corp. (SABIC)
                         said: “We’re going to have a large share” of the  and IEEJ.
                         market. However, reiterating views aired during   Aramco said that during the process of gen-
                         a company event in February, he added: “The  erating the ammonia, it had captured 50 tonnes
                         scale-up isn’t going to happen before 2030. We’re  of carbon dioxide (CO2). Thirty tonnes will be
                         not going to see large volumes of blue ammonia  used in methanol production at SABIC’s Ibn-
                         before then.”                        Sina facility, with the remainder to be used in
                           This aligns with comments the company’s  enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at Aramco’s ‘Uth-
                         CEO Amin Nasser made during its latest earn-  maniyah field.
                         ings call, when he said that Aramco would be   In a presentation, Aramco said that the pro-
                         heavily involved in the sector, but it would hold  duction of blue ammonia had spanned the entire
                         off on making investments until the supply chain  value chain, supporting the company’s recent
                         had started to develop. Khowaiter reiterated this  claims of investing in the circular economy.
                         sentiment, saying: “From the time you make   Natural gas was taken from ‘Uthmaniyah and
                         clear off-take agreements, you’re talking about a  converted to hydrogen at a dedicated facility in
                         five- to six-year capital cycle to invest in the pro-  Jubail, with the CO2 captured at a nearby facility
                         duction and conversion requirements … You’re  and returned to ‘Uthmaniyah and sent to Jubail
                         talking about a pretty long timescale.”  Methanol Plant. Nitrogen was added to the
                           In February, he had said that Aramco doesn’t  hydrogen at the Jubail Ammonia Plant to cre-
                         “see much growth in [the] market until 2030,  ate blue ammonia, which was then dispatched
                         when the infrastructure and policies will be in  by sea to Japan, where it will be separated and
                         place. We think Japan and South Korea will be  used to power the 50-kW Koriyama micro gas
                         where the first hydrogen trading markets will  turbine, the 2-MW Yokohama gas turbine and a
                         begin in the end of 2020s, early 2030s.”  co-firing boiler in Aioi.
                           With that said, the exec anticipates that Ara-  For Aramco, he said, “it is a natural progres-
                         mco may spend around $1bn to capture carbon  sion to take on the responsibility for the huge
                         for every 1mn tonnes of blue ammonia it pro-  demand for hydrogen. But we need to invest in
                         duces, excluding the cost of gas production.  carbon capture and sequestration technologies
                           The company has already dipped its toe  … We are looking to diversify our portfolio to
                         into the emerging market with a pilot project  include zero-carbon products.”™

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