Page 11 - DMEA Week 26 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                  FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            DMEA

       Mozambique, SA pre-empt Sasol’s

       planned sale of ROMPCO stake

        AFRICA           THE governments of Mozambique and South   ENH and CEF are already shareholders in
                         Africa have decided to pre-empt the planned sale  ROMPCO, holding 25% each through affiliates –
                         of a minority stake in the Republic of Mozam-  namely, Companhia Mocambiçana de Gasoduto
                         bique Pipeline Company (ROMPCO) by Sasol  (CMG) and South African Gas Development Co.
                         (South Africa).                      (SOC) Ltd, also known as iGas. Their holdings
                           Sasol reported last month that one of its sub-  will rise to 40% each following the acquisition
                         sidiaries, Sasol South Africa (SSA), had signed a  of SSA’s 30% stake, since they intend to split the
                         sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with a con-  asset evenly.
                         sortium set up by Reatile Group, a black-owned   Estevao Pale, the CEO of ENH, said that the
                         investment firm, and the IDEAS Fund, a domes-  deal would benefit Mozambique. “The fact that
                         tic infrastructure fund managed by African  both governments are majority shareholders in
                         Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM).  the cross-border pipeline is strategic, as the pipe-
                         The document provided for SSA to reduce its  line is the only source of gas for the South African
                         stake in ROMPCO, the owner of an 865-km nat-  market,” he said.
                         ural gas pipeline connecting Mozambique and   Meanwhile, Ishmael Poolo, the CEO of CEF,
                         South Africa, from 50% to 20%, it said.  commented: “There has been a concerted effort
                           Now, though, the agreement is being over-  to accelerate the acquisition of these shares,
                         turned, as Mozambique’s national oil company  which is a hallmark of the group’s energy value
                         (NOC) ENH and South Africa’s Central Energy  chain investment strategy aimed at reviving the
                         Fund (CEF) are exercising their right to pre-  South African economy and creating the jobs we
                         empt the sale. They will presumably be paying  so badly need.”
                         for the stake the same price specified in the SPA   ROMPCO pumps gas from Pande and
                         – namely, an up-front payment of ZAR 4.145bn  Temane, two fields in southern Mozambique, to
                         and a deferred payment of ZAR1bn, assuming  South Africa. Sasol decided to reduce its stake in
                         that the group meets certain milestones by June  the pipeline company in order to raise cash that
                         30, 2024.                            could be used to pay off debts.™

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