Page 8 - GLNG Week 30 2021
P. 8

GLNG                                          COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

       Port Arthur LNG plans suffer

       another blow with PGNiG moves

       Poland’s PGNiG has terminated a sale and purchase agreement with US-based

       Sempra Energy for LNG that would have been supplied from the proposed Port

       Arthur LNG project

        PROJECTS &       POLAND’S PGNiG has terminated a sale and  unable to finalise a long-term deal with Saudi
        COMPANIES        purchase agreement (SPA) with US-based Sem-  Aramco to support Port Arthur LNG. During
                         pra Energy for 2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of  the company’s investor day presentation, Sem-
       WHAT:             LNG that would have been supplied from the  pra’s CEO, Jeffrey Martin, said ECA LNG was
       PGNiG has terminated an   proposed Port Arthur LNG project.  the top infrastructure priority. He added that a
       agreement to buy LNG   At the same time, Sempra and PGNiG signed  proposed expansion at Cameron LNG had over-
       from Sempra Energy’s   a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for  taken Port Arthur LNG in terms of priority.
       proposed Port Arthur   the potential purchase of around 2mn tpy of   If Sempra and its partners in Cameron com-
       export terminal.  LNG from the US company’s other projects.  mit to expanding the facility, they would add
                         These are Cameron LNG on the US Gulf Coast  a fourth train, with an offtake capacity of over
       WHY:              and Energía Costa Azul (ECA) LNG, which is  6mn tpy.
       The Polish company   currently under construction in Mexico.  Port Arthur LNG, if it goes ahead, would have
       has cited delays to the   “The MoU allows for shifting the volumes  two liquefaction trains and a capacity of up to
       project’s development as   originally contracted at Port Arthur LNG to  13.5mn tpy. Sempra has selected Bechtel to be
       the reason for its move.  other facilities from Sempra’s projects portfolio,”  the engineering, procurement, construction
                         said PGNiG’s CEO, Paweł Majewski, in a July 27  and commissioning (EPCC) contractor for
       WHAT NEXT:        statement.                           the project. However, Martin said in June that
       Simultaneously, PGNiG   PGNiG cited delays to the project’s develop-  Port Arthur had “moved back in terms of the
       has agreed to buy more   ment as the reason for opting to terminate the  timeline”.
       LNG from Venture Global   SPA.                          Sempra had already suggested previously
       LNG, and will potentially                              that a final investment decision (FID) on Port
       purchase additional   Bad news                         Arthur could be pushed back from 2021 to 2022,
       volumes from Sempra’s   The move spells more bad news for the Port  and the MoU with PGNiG comes as a further
       other terminals.  Arthur LNG export project in Texas. It comes  setback given that the Polish company was the
                         after Sempra said in late June that it had been  only one to have signed a definitive agreement

                                                                                                  PGNiG’s move is the
                                                                                                  latest in a series of
                                                                                                  setbacks for Port Arthur

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