Page 9 - GLNG Week 30 2021
P. 9

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                                                                                                  PGNiG is stepping up
                                                                                                  LNG purchases from
                                                                                                  other sources.

                         for supply from the project. Martin had previ-  Moreover, based on LNG, we plan to develop
                         ously said that he did not see any scenario under  our commercial activity in the global trading
                         which an FID would be taken without the pro-  market. Expanding our co-operation with Ven-
                         ject being fully contracted.         ture Global LNG fits in with both of these goals.”
                           The MoU is non-binding, and a definitive
                         agreement between Sempra and PGNiG would  Appetite for LNG
                         need to be finalised. The companies noted  PGNiG’s moves illustrate that the appetite for
                         that as part of the MoU, they are also working  striking new LNG supply deals is returning. LNG
                         towards a framework for the reporting, mitiga-  producers in the US and elsewhere have seen a
                         tion and reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG)  flurry of new deals recently. Indeed, the decision
                         emissions throughout the LNG value chain.  by PGNiG to back out of the Port Arthur SPA
                           “We are also determined to curb the car-  could suggest that acquiring LNG has taken on
                         bon footprint of fuels offered by PGNiG and  new urgency, and that the company prefers to
                         we are convinced that co-operation with LNG  commit to projects that appear more certain to
                         producers like Sempra LNG will contribute to  move forward in the near future. And Venture  The decision by
                         reaching this goal in the most effective way,” said  Global is currently targeting an FID on Plaque-
                         Majewski.                            mines LNG in 2021, even as Sempra pushes back   PGNiG to back out
                           Meanwhile,  PGNiG  made  a  separate  the timeline for Port Arthur.     of the Port Arthur
                         announcement that it had agreed to buy an addi-  As well as seeing environmental benefits to
                         tional 2mn tpy of LNG from another US-based  buying LNG, Poland is keen to eliminate the   SPA could suggest
                         company, Venture Global LNG. PGNiG already  need for imports of natural gas via pipeline from
                         had agreements in place to buy LNG from both  Russia. Warsaw has been deepening its energy   that acquiring
                         Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass LNG project,  co-operation with the US and also hopes that
                         which is under construction, and its proposed  the North American country will help finance   LNG has taken on
                         Plaquemines LNG project. The latest agree-  Poland’s first nuclear power plant (NPP).  new urgency.
                         ment raises the volumes that PGNiG will buy   However, relations between the two countries
                         from Calcasieu Pass to 1.5mn tpy from 1mn tpy  have been strained recently by the US’ agree-
                         previously, and those from Plaquemines from  ment with Germany over the Nord Stream 2
                         2.5mn tpy to 4mn tpy. Once the relevant SPAs  pipeline from Russia. Poland opposes the Nord
                         are amended, PGNiG will stand to buy 5.5mn  Stream 2 project, claiming that the pipeline is a
                         tpy in total from the two Venture Global termi-  threat to energy security in Central and Eastern
                         nals, which are both located in Louisiana.  Europe. The US and Germany are seeking to
                           “LNG plays a vital role in PGNiG’s strategy,”  alleviate that potential threat, with their agree-
                         said Majewski. “It is a key component of our  ment including penalty costs for Russia if Mos-
                         supply portfolio diversification and the plan to  cow uses the new pipeline to harm Ukraine or
                         reinforce the energy security of our customers.  other Eastern European countries.™

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