Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 35
P. 16

LatAmOil                                        ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

                         The facility is capable of importing and regasi-  understanding (MoU) with Norway-based
                         fying the equivalent of 20mn cubic metres per   Norsk Hydro to develop an LNG terminal in
                         day of LNG.                          Brazil’s northern region. The parties are looking
                           The winner of the lease contract will also   to install an FSRU near Norsk Hydro’s Alunorte
                         control a 45-km pipeline that runs from termi-  alumina-processing plant, which is near Vila do
                         nal facilities in the port of Bahia to exit points in   Conde Port in Barcarena, Pará State.
                         São Francisco do Conde and São Sebastião do   The proposed terminal is slated to start oper-
                         Passé, but it will not gain access to the Excelerate   ations in the first half of 2022, and the compa-
                         Experience, a floating storage and regasification   nies hope to take a final investment decision
                         unit (FSRU) that Petrobras has installed.  (FID) within the next six months. The fate of the
                           Petrobras is auctioning off a lease to the facil-  project will depend on a final supply agreement
                         ity within the framework of its plan to divest   with Hydro.
                         its gas transport and distribution assets and to   Meanwhile, Golar Power also said last month
                         allow third parties to access gas infrastructure. It   that it aimed to invest $2mn to develop a net-
                         drew up the outlines of this plan last year, under   work of pipelines in Brazil’s northern Pernam-
                         an agreement with the Brazilian government’s   buco State, which borders Bahia to the south. ™
                         anti-trust agency, known as Cade.
                           Bahia LNG is one of three LNG regasification
                         terminals that Petrobras has built along the coast
                         of Brazil.
                           Two of these facilities – Bahia and Pecem –
                         are currently operating below design capacity,
                         and the third terminal – the Guanabara termi-
                         nal, which is in Rio de Janeiro – has been out of
                         service since 2018.
                           Golar Power is eyeing several other LNG-re-
                         lated projects in Brazil. Last month, the com-
                         pany said it had signed a memorandum of         Bahia LNG regasification terminal (Photo: Bahia Pilots)

       Official: Vaca Muerta production

       could take 18 months to recover

                         It could take up to a year and a half for activity   “If we want to have a sector that can create an
                         at Argentina’s Vaca Muerta shale formation to   export platform, we need to have an adequate
                         return to the levels prevailing prior to the coro-  tax system when compared with other countries
                         navirus (COVID-19) outbreak, an Argentinian   we are competing with for hydrocarbons pro-
                         official has warned.                 duction,” he said.
                           Alejandro Monteiro, the energy minister   “That’s why we’re asking for export duties to
                         of Neuquen Province, where most of the vast   be reduced,” he commented.
                         formation is located, noted that production   According to local press reports, Monteiro
                         levels had declined because of the coronavi-  and his counterpart in Chubut, a neighbouring
                         rus pandemic. Global energy demand is still   oil-rich province, have already made similar
                         weak enough that development activity may   suggestions. The two officials recently asked
                         not recover for another 12-18 months, he said   Argentina’s federal government to remove or
                         during an industry webinar last week. “[It] will   reduce oil export duties to spur production
                         take a while for fuel demand to fully recover,”   development.
                         he declared.                           Foreign majors Total, ExxonMobil, Chevron
                           Monteiro also noted that logistical con-  and a subsidiary of BP are among the interna-
                         straints were affecting the pace of recovery. He   tional companies with a stake in Vaca Muerta,
                         explained that many wells had been drilled but   which is one of the largest shale formations in
                         not connected and said that storage constraints   the world. But in April, Argentina’s national
                         would keep drilling activity from returning to   oil company (NOC) YPF cut oil production at
                         pre-pandemic levels even after demand had   Loma Campana, its key oil play in the basin,
                         fully recovered.                     because demand had fallen off during the
                           The best way to encourage the process, he   lockdown imposed to try to curb the spread of
                         added, would be for the government to offer   coronavirus. Several other domestic and foreign
                         financial incentives to upstream operators.   firms have also cut production. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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