Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 35
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            of approximately 80 hours using 24/64-inch,  gas reserves would be realised in the Maria Con-
                                           36/64-inch and 48/64-inch choke sizes. The  chita Block. The Company intends to have an
       Successful repair and               interval evaluated was between 8,052 and 8,062  updated reserve report soon.
                                                                                  Based on these results, management esti-
                                           feet (2,454 to 2,457 metres) measured depth.
       completion of Aruchara 1 at         The well resulted at a maximum rate of 7.75  mates there will be a substantial increase in
                                           mcf (219,470 cubic metres) per day through a  resources compared to the last reserves report.
       Maria Conchita field results        48/64” choke at a pressure of 2,075 psig over a  After obtaining the required permits and
                                           three hour period with a final shut-in pressure  licenses to build in partnership with Energy
       in significant gas flow             of 3,505 psig.                       Transitions-Plus+ E.S.P, CruzSur is planning
                                              The second DST procedure occurred  the necessary infrastructure to connect the
       Further to a prior press release issued on August  between August 11 and 14, 2020, over a period  Aruchara 1 well to a nearby main gas line, before
       19, 2020, CruzSur Energy is pleased to announce  of approximately 63 hours using the above-men-  the end of the year, with the objective of mone-
       that after implementing the Work Programme  tioned same choke sizes. The interval evaluated  tising its natural gas resources, capitalising on a
       approved by the National Hydrocarbons Agency  was between 8,111 and 8,121 feet (2,472 and  premium pricing market in Colombia of over $5
       (ANH), which was duly reported to the environ-  2,475 metres) measured depth. The well resulted  per MMBtu.
       mental authority ANLA, CruzSur, successfully  at a maximum rate of 10.98 mcf (310,940 cubic   CruzSur is going to start accelerating its
       carried out the repair work in the Aruchara  metres) per day through a 48/64” choke at a pres-  development plan, taking an aggressive yet dis-
       1 well, located in the María Conchita Block in  sure of 2,437 psig over a three hour period with a  ciplined development of additional wells on the
       the region of La Guajira in northern Colombia.  final shut-in pressure of 3,547 psig.  Maria Conchita field.
       After drilling the cement plugs and controlling   The third DST procedure occurred between   The Company is also concentrating efforts to
       the well, DSTs (Drill Stem Test) were carried out  August 17 and 19, 2020, over a period of approx-  complete the necessary social and environmen-
       to determine the origin, pressure and volume of  imately 52 hours using the same choke sizes. The  tal licensing procedures in the next weeks to
       natural gas, to be able to repair and complete the  intervals evaluated were from 8,088 to 8,094 feet  enable the development of the SN-9 field located
       well and have it secured.           (2,465 to 2,467 metres) and from 8,111 to 8,121  in Cordoba, Colombia, a prolific hydrocarbon
         DST results were reviewed by John Yu, P. Eng.  feet (2,472 and 2,475 metres) and measured  producing region near the Caribbean Coast.
       as an independent Qualified Reserves Evaluator  depth.                   CruzSur Energy, August 31 2020
       and Auditor as defined in NI 51-101 Standards   Preliminary outcomes show that the well
       of Disclosure for Oil & Gas Activities, obtaining  resulted at a maximum rate of 10.420 mcf
       the following results:              (295,080 cubic metres) per day through a 48/64”  GAS
         The Aruchara-1 well was drilled by Texaco in  choke at a pressure of 2,271 psig with a final
       1980 to a total depth of 9,715 feet (2,961 metres)  shut-in pressure of 3,521 psig. The absolute open   Mirage Energy signs
       and tested gas between 8,111 and 8,121 feet  flow potential is estimated at 19.0 mcf (538,000
       (2,472 and 2,475 metres) and between 8,050.5  cubic metres) per day and a potential of 14.3   letter of intent to provide
       and 8,060.5 feet (2,454 and 2,457 metres), vary-  mcf (404,950 cubic metres) per day with a 50%
       ing from 3.4 to 9.8 mcf (96,280 to 277,520 cubic  drawdown.              gas to J&E Administration
       metres) per day from these two zones at that   Previously, the Aruchara-1 well was assigned
       time.                               10.5 bcf (297.3 mcm) proved undeveloped mar-  Integral in Mexico
         This well was re-entered recently, as dis-  ketable gas reserves and 16.9 bcf (478.6 mcm)
       cussed in the Company news release of July 24,  proved and probable undeveloped marketable  Mirage Energy announces it has signed a letter
       2020. Three DST procedures of this well were  gas reserves in the Upper Miocene sands in the  of intent (LoI) to provide 200mn cubic feet (5.7
       conducted from August 5-19, 2020, during the  2019 year-end reserves report. With the above  mn cubic metres) per day of natural gas to J&E
       re-entry and the results are outlined below:  data which was conducted in a much longer  administration Integral (J & E), which is devel-
         The  first  DST  procedure  occurred  period of time and with more details in the addi-  oping a natural gas transportation system in the
       between August 5 and 8, 2020, over a period  tional Middle Miocene sands, increased natural  Mexican states of Oaxaca and Chiapas.

       Week 35   03•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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