Page 18 - LatAmOil Week 35
P. 18

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       The new transportation system on the west coast  associated subsea infrastructure and umbilical   Bristow is the world’s leading provider of
       of southern Mexico will be interconnected via  system. Offshore installation activities are sched-  offshore oil and gas transportation, search and
       the San Fernando/Cactus Line, which Mirage is  uled for 2021.            rescue (SAR) and aircraft support services to
       planning to rehabilitate as part of its large-scale   At this time, no further details can be  government and civil organisations worldwide.
       cross-border infrastructure project funded by a  communicated.           Bristow’s strategically located global fleet sup-
       binding $4bn financing agreement with Bluebell   Subsea 7, September 01 2020  ports operations in the North Sea, Nigeria and
       International, announced in June.                                        the U.S. Gulf of Mexico; as well as in most of
         “We are proud to partner with J&E on this   Bristow plans to rebrand   the other major offshore oil and gas producing
       important project, which will enable the deliv-                          regions of the world, including Australia, Bra-
       ery of clean, efficient natural gas to the ener-  Aeróleo in Brazil      zil, Canada, Colombia, Guyana, Suriname and
       gy-starved states of Oaxaca and Chiapas, likely                          Trinidad. Bristow provides SAR services to the
       at a 50% discount to current prices,” said Michael  Bristow Group, the largest offshore helicopter  private sector worldwide and to the public sector
       Ward, President and CEO of Mirage Energy.  operator in the world, announced today it will  for all of the United Kingdom on behalf of the
         Separately, Ward added that Mirage has offi-  rename its Aeróleo division in Brazil to Bristow  Maritime and Coastguard Agency.
       cially converted and repaid all notes related to  and remain focused on its support of the oil and   Bristow Group, September 01 2020
       the business.                       gas industry and other vertical lift solutions.
         Mirage Energy is a natural gas storage and   Bristow has been an integral part of the oil   DOF Subsea wins multiple
       international transportation company based in  and gas industry in Brazil for more than 40
       San Antonio, Texas. Through its wholly owned  years, servicing the helicopter support needs of   contracts from Petrobras
       subsidiaries, Northern Hemisphere Logistics,  Petrobras, independent Brazilian exploration
       Inc., WPF Transmission, Inc., WPF Mexico  and production companies and multiple inter-  DOF Subsea has announced four new contracts
       Pipelines and Cenote Energy, Mirage is develop-  national oil and gas companies.  with Petrobras.
       ing an integrated pipeline infrastructure in and   “Despite the challenging market conditions,   The contracts include work within our core
       between Mexico and the US and North Ameri-  we maintain our strong presence in Brazil. We  service lines for Survey and Inspection. At least
       ca’s largest natural gas storage facility, located in  offer customers a modern fleet of aircraft, to  three vessels from the DOF fleet will be mobi-
       Mexico.                             include the AW139, and our strong safety record  lised to perform flexible pipeline, risers and
       Mirage Energy, August 27 2020       is unmatched,” said Diego Medeiros, Country  subsea equipment inspection in Campos Basin,
                                           Manager for Brazil. “Being a part of the larger  Santos Basin, Marlin Field and Espírito Santos
                                           Bristow family has many advantages by bring-  Basin.
       SERVICES                            ing global expertise and aviation solutions from   The contracts are worth more than $110mn
                                           operating a fleet of 300 aircraft.”  with planned commencement in Q4 2020 and
       Subsea 7 awarded contract           footprint and future strategy,” said Samantha   Mons S Aase, CEO, DOF Subsea said: “I am
                                              “Brazil is an important part of our global  estimated to be performed within 550 days.
       for work offshore Trinidad          Willenbacher, Bristow’s Senior Vice President  very pleased for these awards securing utilisa-
                                           and Chief Commercial Officer. “As the largest  tion for our personnel and our assets and add-
       Subsea 7 has announced the award of a sizeable  global operator of AW139, AW189 and S-92  ing important back log to the Group. It further
       contract for work offshore Trinidad and Tobago.  helicopters, we continue to serve our customers  strengthens our leading position in Brazil within
       The contract will be recorded in backlog in the  with exemplary vertical flight solutions and look  IMR and confirms our long relationship with
       third quarter.                      forward to working with an expanded customer  Petrobras.”
         The contract scope covers the project man-  base to meet all of their rotary needs.”  DOF Subsea, August 27 2020
       agement, engineering, procurement, installa-  Bristow has also ended its 41.5% minority,
       tion and pull-in of one subsea rigid flowline and  non-controlling ownership interest in Líder Taxi
       flexible riser together with flexible flowlines and  Aéreo-Air Brasil, effective August 31, 2020.  LEGAL

                                                                                Petrobras comments on
                                                                                the suspension of an

                                                                                arbitration award

                                                                                Petrobras, in continuity to the notices to the
                                                                                Market released on July 21 and July 29, 2020,
                                                                                hereby announces that a judicial decision was
                                                                                issued today in favor of the Company, determin-
                                                                                ing the immediate suspension of the arbitration
                                                                                proceeding filed by Fundação Petrobras de Segu-
                                                                                ridade Pessoal (Petros) and Caixa de Previdên-
                                                                                cia dos Funcionários do Banco do Brasil (Previ)
                                                                                before the Market Arbitration Chamber (CAM)
                                                                                of B3, until a final judgment has been made
                                                                                regarding Petrobras’ motion to vacate a partial
                                                                                arbitration award.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   03•September•2020
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