Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 15

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Production of the first definitive Mero system
       (Mero 1) is scheduled to start in 2022, through
       FPSO Guanabara, followed by Mero 2 (FPSO
       Sepetiba), in 2023, and Mero 3 (FPSO Marechal
       Duque de Caxias), in 2024.
       Petrobras, November 29 2021
       PXGEO completes
       Santos Basin 4D

       baseline OBN acquisition

       PXGEO has successfully completed the Sapin-
       hoa 4D Baseline OBN program for the BMS-9
       consortium, operated by Petrobras, in the deep-
       water Santos basin, offshore Brazil. The four-
       month project utilising PXGEO’s proprietary
       Manta OBN technology was completed safely
       and efficiently around the end of October 2021,
       within the agreed project schedule.  will hold on December 1 the Presentation of  Block Lease Operatorship Sub-Licence, onshore
         The PXGEO COVID-19 mitigation measures  Proposals Hearing of the Colombia Round 2021  Trinidad, with an effective date of December 1,
       were fully effective throughout the project at pre-  to continue advancing in the reactivation of the  2021.
       venting exposure to personnel offshore.  hydrocarbons sector.              The initial cash consideration for the Acqui-
       PXGEO, November 29 2021                In the Colombia Round 2021, 17 companies  sition was $3.5mn, subject to potential closing
                                           were qualified, a new contractual framework was  adjustments and a contingent consideration of
       Seadrill announces                  structured, a new land map was developed and  up to $500,000. The final cash consideration
                                           investors were given the opportunity to submit  (inclusive of contingent consideration and the
       contract awards worth               proposals through blockchain technology.  initial deposit payment of $700,000) totalled
                                              The Fourth Cycle of the Permanent Process  $3.85mn and has been fully funded from the
       $549m for West Tellus,              of Area Assignment-Colombia Round 2021, has  Company’s existing cash resources.
                                                                                  Acquisition Highlights: Contiguous to Trin-
                                           28 areas offered by the ANH located in mature,
       West Carina offshore Brazil         emerging and frontier basins, of which 23 are  ity’s largest and most prolific onshore Block,
                                           continental and five are offshore in the Colom-
                                                                                WD-5/6, with 80% of the PS-4 block covered
       Seadrill has secured two contracts with Petro-  bian Pacific, for subscription of E&P and TEA  by the 3D seismic survey acquired in Q1-2021.
       bras for the West Carina and West Tellus rigs for  contracts. Additionally, the qualified companies  Immediate benefit from applying the Group’s
       work on the Búzios field offshore Brazil. Both  nominated 25 areas, for a total of 53.  3D seismic sequence stratigraphic framework
       contracts have been signed on a three-year fixed-  “The reactivation of the Colombian hydro-  across the new acreage offering a significant
       term basis, with expected commencement in  carbons sector is a reality. When we started this  opportunity to add reserves and production on
       September 2022. Total contract value for the two  Government we had nearly five years without  a meaningful scale. A programme of workovers,
       contracts is approximately $549mn (inclusive of  signing a single contract, and today we have 39  reactivations, recompletions, and at least two
       mobilisation revenue and additional services).  exploration and production contracts signed,  new infill wells, expected to increase production
         Seadrill’s CEO Stuart Jackson, commented:  thanks to the process led by the Ministry and the  from 65 bpd currently to over 200 bpd by the end
       “We are delighted to continue our long associa-  ANH. This is a fundamental sector not only for  of 2022. Provides substantial synergies from a
       tion with Petrobras with the award of two three-  the national economy because of its economic  financial, operational and technical perspective.
       year firm contracts for the West Carina and West  contributions to the country’s finances, but  Funded from existing cash resources and imme-
       Tellus on the Búzios field. Brazil is a strategically  also because of its role in guaranteeing national  diately accretive to operating and free cash flow.
       important market for the offshore sector and I  energy security and closing gaps in the Colom-  The increase in acreage and location of the
       am pleased that Seadrill will continue to play an  bian regions,” said the Minister of Mines and  Block (being contiguous to WD-5/6) will enable
       increasingly significant role in the coming years.”  Energy Diego Mesa.  the Company to integrate the PS-4 area seam-
       Seadrill, November 26 2021          ANH, November 30 2021                lessly into its ongoing subsurface evaluation pro-
                                                                                cess - offering the potential to high grade existing
                                           Trinity Exploration                  drilling candidates and identify new ones across
       INVESTMENT                                                               the larger area.
                                                                                  The Company is focused on growing produc-
       ANH to hold Presentation            completes PS-4 acquisition           tion and reserves, and the integration of PS-4
                                                                                into the wider portfolio provides Trinity greater
                                           Trinity Exploration & Production, the inde-
       of Proposals Hearing for            pendent E&P company focused on Trinidad  scope to do so. Following a full 3D seismic inter-
                                           and Tobago, has confirmed that, further to  pretation, and the re-mapping and integration
       Colombia Round 2021                 its announcement on May 4, 2021, it has now  of all historical wells and production data, the
                                           received all the approvals necessary to complete  Company will update the market on reserves
       The National Hydrocarbons Agency (ANH)  the acquisition of a 100% interest in the PS-4  and forward plans for the Block.

       Week 48   02•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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