Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Jeremy Bridglalsingh, CEO, commented: “We  company’s portfolio management strategy and  those necessary to merely comply with legal
       are delighted to be in a position to complete, with  the improved allocation of its capital, aiming to  requirements. In this fifth cycle of the indica-
       an effective date of December 1, 2021, the acqui-  maximise value and provide greater return to  tor, the IG-Sest incorporates aspects that have
       sition of the PS-4 Block, which fits in our broader  society. Petrobras is increasingly concentrating  already been assessed in the previous cycles,
       growth strategy, with the contiguous location  its resources on assets in deep and ultradeep  recommendations and guidelines of the OECD,
       meaning that our 3D seismic interpretation will  waters, where it has shown a great competitive  of the Office of the Comptroller General of the
       have even greater benefit. Beyond the technical  edge over the years, producing better quality oil  Union (CGU), and of the Brazilian Institute of
       synergies, with our largest field WD-5/6 now  and with lower greenhouse gas emissions.  Corporate Governance (IBGC), as well as ele-
       able to act as an operational hub to the nearby   About Catuá Field: The Concession Contract  ments contained in the new version of the bylaws
       WD-2 and PS-4 fields, we foresee meaningful  nº 48000.003560/97-49 refers to the explora-  model published by Sest.
       operational efficiencies as well. We have a port-  tory concession of the BC-60 Block acquired in   To Petrobras, this certification, besides
       folio of assets offering a number of opportuni-  Round Zero of the National Agency of Petro-  acknowledging the advances the company has
       ties to increase production and cash generation,  leum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). This  made in recent years, is an opportunity to assess
       while our commitment to partnerships to access  contract has Petrobras as operator, with 100%  its processes at a new level of quality and reaffirm
       new opportunities further augments our ambi-  stake, and encompasses other fields besides the  its commitment to the continuous improvement
       tious growth plans.”                Catuá Field, which will not be part of the present  of its corporate governance.
       Trinity Exploration & Production, November 29   assignment of rights process.  Petrobras, December 1 2021
       2021                                   The concession area is located in the terri-
                                           torial waters of the Espírito Santo State, about
       Petrobras announces                 128 km off the coast, in water depths that vary  COMPANIES
                                           between 1,700 and 1,950 metres.
       beginning of binding phase          of which three have found light oil in carbonate   PetroTal takes note of
                                              There are four wells drilled in the Catuá Field,
       for Campos Basin asset              reservoirs.                          strong earthquake in
                                           Petrobras, November 29 2021
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed                         northern Peru
       on October 22, 2021, informs the beginning of
       the binding phase regarding the sale of its stake  ESG                   PetroTal advises that a 7.5 magnitude earth-
       (100%) in the Catuá Field, belonging to Explor-                          quake hit northern Peru early Sunday, Novem-
       atory Block BC-60, located in the Campos Basin,   Petrobras receives     ber 28, 2021, with the epicenter approximately
       State of Espírito Santo.                                                 98 km from the town of Santa Maria de Nieva
         Potential buyers qualified for this phase will   governance certification  and 400 km from Bretaña.
       receive a process letter with detailed instructions                        PetroTal’s production facilities were not
       on the divestment process, including guidelines  Petrobras informs that today, for the fifth time  damaged, and the Company reported no inju-
       for due diligence and the submission of binding  in a row, it received the certification in the Gov-  ries related to the earthquake. Earthquakes
       proposals.                          ernance Indicator of the Secretariat for Co-or-  are relatively common in Peru and PetroTal’s
         This disclosure complies with the Petrobras’  dination and Governance of State-Owned  development platform and related facilities are
       internal rules and with the provisions of the  Companies (IG-Sest), achieving classification in  designed to withstand earthquakes of equal or
       special procedure for assignment of rights to  the indicator’s best level – Level 1, which shows  greater scale.
       exploration, development and production of oil,  the company’s degree of excellence in corporate   The social unrest disruption, as reported by
       natural gas and other fluid hydrocarbons, pro-  governance.              the Company on November 24, 2021 remains
       vided for in Decree 9,355/2018.        The objective of the IG-Sest is to encourage  ongoing, with production rates being managed
         This transaction is in line with the  companies to develop actions that go beyond  to align with remaining storage capacity. Further
                                                                                updates will be provided as and when known.
                                                                                  PetroTal is a publicly traded, tri‐quoted
                                                                                (TSXV: TAL) (AIM: PTAL) and (OTC Pink:
                                                                                PTALF) oil and gas development and produc-
                                                                                tion Company domiciled in Calgary, Alberta,
                                                                                focused on the development of oil assets in Peru.
                                                                                PetroTal’s flagship asset is its 100% working
                                                                                interest in Bretaña oilfield in Peru’s Block 95,
                                                                                where oil production was initiated in June 2018.
                                                                                In early 2020, PetroTal became the second larg-
                                                                                est crude oil producer in Peru. The Company’s
                                                                                management team has significant experience
                                                                                in developing and exploring for oil in Peru and
                                                                                is led by a Board of Directors that is focused on
                                                                                safely and cost effectively developing the Bretaña
                                                                                oilfield. It is actively building new initiatives to
                                                                                champion community sensitive energy produc-
                                                                                tion, benefiting all stakeholders.
                                                                                PetroTal, November 29 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 48   02•December•2021
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