Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 48 2021
P. 17
NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)
NRG Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global raising as much as $5bn. Sources said that advi-
(NRG), in which the reader is invited to join sors to the company’s private equity backers,
our team of international editors, who provide a Carlyle Group and CVC Capital Partners, had
snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their requested takeover bids from interested parties
regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new next month.
concise format, but by clicking on the headline
link for each section the full text will be available FSU OGM: Gazprom to use gas crisis
as before. windfall to boost capex
Capital spending levels at Russia’s Gazprom are
AfrOil: Kenya dismisses rumours on once again creeping upwards, as the company
LLCOP land acquisition prepares to ramp up gas supplies to China and
Nairobi has denied reports that it has already expand development in the Russian Arctic. Gaz-
begun the process of land acquisition in Tur- prom has earned handsome profits during the
kana County for the Lokichar-Lamu Crude Oil European gas crisis this year and intends to
Pipeline (LLCOP) project. James Long’ole, the plough some of that windfall cash back into new
National Land Commission (NLC) co-ordinator infrastructure.
for Turkana, took note last week of rumours that
government officials had already identified 516 GLNG: McDermott completes net-zero
landowners who would be affected by LLCOP. LNG construction study for Shell
McDermott International said this week that it
AsianOil: Australia releases 20-year gas had recently completed a study for Shell Global
sector strategy Solutions International, aimed at reducing
The Australian government has released its first greenhouse gas emissions during the construc-
full National Gas Infrastructure Plan (NGIP), tion of LNG projects. The study identifies “tan-
alongside the Future Gas Infrastructure Invest- gible reduction pathways” with an ultimate aim
ment Framework\. The government said on of net-zero emissions during the construction
November 26 that the plan and the framework phase of LNG projects, McDermott stated.
were part of Prime Minister Scott Morison’s “gas-
led recovery” strategy and that they would secure MEOG: Major field development plans
national gas supplies over the next 20 years. Iraqi officials attended the launch ceremony
for Basra Energy Co. (BEC), the joint venture
DMEA: Aramco denies deal is dead between BP and PetroChina that has taken over
Saudi Aramco’s president and CEO has denied as the main contractor for development work
that talks for a major downstream tie-up between at the super-giant Rumaila oilfield. Meanwhile,
the company and India’s Reliance Industries Ltd Iran’s state-owned Pars Oil and Gas Co. (POGC)
(RIL) are being scrapped. Amin Nasser said that has started a new drilling campaign as it seeks to
the talks had been paused while Reliance carries add reserves at the offshore South Pars gas field.
out a restructuring process, adding that they
would “continue to discuss further with them NorthAmOil: Canadian regulator rejects
in the future after they finish the restructuring.” Enbridge’s Mainline contracting plan
The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) has
EurOil: Neptune’s owners reportedly rejected pipeline operator Enbridge’s proposal
mulling sale to change how it allocates capacity on its Main-
The owners of leading North Sea player Nep- line system. Under the plan, 90% of the capacity
tune Energy are considering a sale of the busi- would be sold under long-term contracts rather
ness, sources told Bloomberg, with the hope of than allocated on a monthly basis as before.
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Week 48 02•December•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P17