Page 13 - DMEA Week 47 2022
P. 13
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Ukraine warns Iran
on “consequences of
complicity in Russian
Ukraine “has informed Iran that the conse-
quences of complicity in Russian aggression will
be incommensurable with the potential benefits
of cooperation with Russia,” a Ukrainian Foreign
Ministry spokesperson said on November 22.
Officials from Iran and Ukraine met to
discuss allegations that Russia is using Irani-
an-made attack drones in its war on Ukraine,
the spokesperson, Oleg Nikolenko, told CNN.
Earlier this month, Tehran acknowledged
supplying Moscow with drones but claimed that Ukrainian regions. LNG investments and a strong vaccination pro-
they were sent before the war began in Ukraine. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, gramme that led to the full lifting of COVID-19
However, Ukraine claims to have evidence gath- Maria Zakharova, said that the exercises are for restrictions in July 2022.
ered from the wreckage of kamikaze drones that tactical purposes and are not directed against A consortium led by Eni (Italy) has started
Iranian drones have been delivered to Russia third parties, especially Morocco, which cur- producing LNG for export to Europe, a devel-
since hostilities started. This week has brought rently has tense relations with Algeria. opment which the IMF expects to improve
reports, meanwhile, that Moscow is to con- Both countries held tactical drills in Russia’s Maputo’s current account balance. Another
struct a plant in Russia where it will be able to North Ossetia region in October 2021. partnership operated by TotalEnergies (France)
assemble Iranian drones that it will then depict Algeria, with an army personnel of 465,000 is soon likely to resume work on its site, also in
as “Russian.” soldiers, is a heavy importer of Russian weapons. northern Mozambique. The third, led by Exxon-
Asked about the meeting on drones held The north African country is currently prepar- Mobil (US) is seen in the next few months taking
by Ukrainian and Iranian officials, Nikolenko ing a huge $11bn contract to buy advanced Rus- final investment decision (FID) on its project in
added: “Such an expert meeting did take place. sian weapons. the same area.
I cannot disclose the details, but I can assure bna/IntelliNews, November 21 2022 “Programme performance has been strong,
you that the Ukrainian side continues to take with all quantitative targets and the structural
the most drastic measures to prevent the use of IMF extends $59mn loan benchmark met at end-June,” IMF deputy
Iranian weapons by Russia for the war against managing director Bo Li said in the statement.
Ukraine.” to Mozambique to help “While the outlook remains positive, driven by
bne/IntelliNews, November 22 2022 large liquefied natural gas projects, significant
risks remain, including from adverse climate
Algeria-Russia joint stabilise economy events and fragile security situation. Govern-
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has ance weaknesses and debt vulnerabilities also
military exercises raise disbursed a $59.25mn loan to Mozambique to pose challenges.”
help stabilise the country’s economy, bringing
bna/IntelliNews, November 23 2022
Western concerns to $150mn the amount it has advanced to the
southeastern African nation under the $456mn
The joint anti-terrorist operations between Alge- extended credit facility (ECF) programme COMPANIES
rian and Russian forces are expected to continue approved in May.
until November 28, amid deep concerns among The IMF executive board completed its first Aramco signs 59 new
Western countries at Algeria’s close political and review of Mozambique’s three-year programme
economic ties with Russia. on Monday, November 21, which allowed for the agreements under
The Desert Shield 2022 exercises were immediate release of the new loan.
launched in Béchar Province near the border Mozambique’s implementation of the loan iktva programme
with Morocco. They involve about 200 soldiers programme’s policy requirements was “strong,”
from both countries who are tasked with the the Bretton Woods institution said in a release on Aramco today signed 59 corporate procurement
detection and elimination of terrorist groups. Monday, despite a challenging global environ- agreements (CPAs) with 51 local and global
Following the announcement of military ment that has pushed inflation into the double manufacturers, with potential to create 5,000
operations, a group of 17 MEPs urged the Euro- digits due to high food and fuel prices. new jobs in Saudi Arabia over the next decade.
pean Commission chief to re-open the EU’s On the nation’s prospects, the IMF said its The agreements, valued at $11bn, are expected
association agreement with Algiers. The group real gross domestic product (GDP) growth to reinforce Aramco’s robust supply chain and
criticised Algeria’s decision to abstain on a UN could be 3.8% in 2022, from 2.3% in 2021. It result in the development of materials manufac-
resolution censuring Russia’s attempts to annex could grow by 5.0% in 2023, driven by three large turing facilities in the Kingdom.
Week 47 24•November•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13