Page 17 - DMEA Week 47 2022
P. 17

DMEA                          NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           DMEA

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  in October, Finland’s Centre for Research on
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join our  Energy and Clean Air (CREA) said in research
                         team of international editors, as they provide a  published on November 16.
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  GLNG: African NGOs call for suspension
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline  of Tema LNG project in Ghana
                         link for each section the full text will be available  A group of African non-governmental organ-
                         as before.                           isations (NGOs) has called for the suspension
                                                              of the Tema LNG project in Ghana, arguing
                         AfrOil: Eni, CNOOC submit bids for six   that the deal could end up costing the country
                         blocks offshore Mozambique           $1.5bn. Tema LNG, whose operator is backed by
                         Mozambique’s sixth licensing  round has  Helios Investment Partners of the UK and Afri-
                         attracted a total of six bids, with Italy’s Eni  can Infrastructure Investment Managers (AIIM)
                         making an offer for one offshore block in the  of the Netherlands, is key to Ghana’s plans to
                         Angoche basin and China National Offshore  become a gas hub.
                         Operating Corp. (CNOOC) making offers for
                         five blocks in the Angoche and Save basins, the  LatAmOil: Suriname launches deepwater
                         National Petroleum Institute (INP) has said.  bidding round
                                                              Staatsolie Hydrocarbon Institute (SHI), a subsid-
                         AsianOil: Petroleum Sarawak plans four   iary of Suriname’s national oil company (NOC)
                         gas hubs over next decade            Staatsolie, launched a new licensing round cov-
                         The Malaysian state of Sarawak on the island of  ering 43,956 square km of deepwater acreage on
                         Borneo intends to build four gas hubs across its  the Demerara Plateau on November 8. SHI has
                         territory over the next 10 years in accordance  invited both NOCs and international oil com-
                         with its Gas Roadmap. State-owned oil and gas  panies (IOCs) to submit offers for the six blocks
                         company Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) will  included in the Demerara Bidding Round.
                         invest MYR65bn ($14.3bn) to build gas hubs in
                         Miri, Samalaju, Bintulu and Kuching.  MEOG: POGC to drill more at South Pars
                                                              Iran’s state-owned Pars Oil and Gas Co. (POGC)
                         EurOil: Norwegian producers expanding   will drill 35 new wells to maintain and expand
                         investment projections               gas production from the South Pars gas field.
                         Norwegian oil and gas companies have increased  Speaking to the Ministry of Petroleum’s Shana
                         their projections for investment in 2022, eager to  news agency, Shobeir Nabavi, POGC’s deputy
                         exploit the remaining time available for projects  head of Reservoir Operations Engineering, said
                         to receive tax incentives, the country’s statistics  the company has obtained the necessary permits
                         office said on November 17. Producers are now  from the ministry to spud 35 new wells at the
                         expected to invest NOK175.3bn ($17.4bn) in the  field within the next two or three years.
                         country’s offshore oil and gas fields this year, ver-
                         sus an August forecast of NOK172.8bn.  NorthAmOil: Biden announces tighter
                                                              methane rule for US oil and gas industry
                         FSU OGM: Russian fossil fuel exports   The Biden administration has unveiled a pro-
                         slump in October                     posed tighter methane rule for the oil and gas
                         Russian fossil fuel exports slumped in October  sector as the US races to cut greenhouse gas
                         to their lowest level since the start of Moscow’s  (GHG) emissions. Methane, the major com-
                         invasion of Ukraine, a Finnish think-tank has  ponent of natural gas and which can leak from
                         estimated. Revenues came to €21bn ($22bn)  pipelines, is an especially potent GHG. ™

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