Page 15 - DMEA Week 47 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

             business new africa       bna/IntelliNews

       They were accompanied by an Eni delegation led
       by Guido Brusco, COO for Natural Resources.
         The event took place after the shipment of the
       first LNG cargo on November 13 from the Coral
       Sul FLNG (Floating LNG) vessel, the world’s
       first ultra-deep-water FLNG and the first LNG
       producer in Mozambique. Coral South, a land-
       mark project for the gas industry, is projecting
       Mozambique onto the global LNG stage, pav-
       ing the way to a transformational change of the
       country through development of gas resources,
       an important contribution to the security and
       diversification of supplies to Europe and one
       of the most effective solutions to ensure a just
       energy transition.
         It is the result of an outstanding collaboration
       among Eni, partners, and the people and Gov-
       ernment of Mozambique.
         On the sidelines of the inauguration cere-
       mony, President Nyusi and Eni representatives
       also discussed the possibility of replicating the
       success of the Coral South project with further
       FLNG development, as well as other onshore
       projects. They also discussed the status of Eni’s  was quoted by the daily Asharq Alawsat as say-  official has said.
       initiatives towards carbon neutrality, including  ing. He added that the bank did not reach its   Much of the fertiliser has been stuck in ports
       the agri-feedstock project under the agreement  maximum level in printing banknotes and the  due to concerns from private companies over
       between Eni and the Government of Mozam-  government is borrowing within the limits set  sanctions liability over the insurance and financ-
       bique. The project aims to produce oil from  by the IMF.                 ing of Russian goods. Now the UN is hoping
       seeds, wastes and residues that do not compete   Sudan has been unstable since the 2019  trade can start up again, allowing Russia to send
       with food crops and agriculture lands, to be used  ouster of long-time autocratic ruler Omar  its fertiliser to needy countries in West Africa.
       in biofuel production.              Al-Bashir. The current military leader Abdul   As quoted by the Associated Press, the head
         Eni has been present in Mozambique since  Fattah AL-Burhan declared a state of emergency  of UN trade Rebeca Grynspan acclaimed “very
       2006. It is the delegated operator of the Coral  in October 2021 and dissolved the civilian gov-  good news for the world” that Russia, Turkey and
       South Project on behalf of the Area 4 Partners.  ernment in a move that opponents labelled a  Ukraine had agreed to extend the four-month
       The company discovered supergiant natural gas  coup. Protests since then have continued to call  trade deal to allow grain and foodstuffs through
       resources in Area 4, the Rovuma basin, namely  for an immediate end to the civilian-military  the Black Sea. The July 22 deal was set to expire
       the Coral, Mamba Complex and Agulha reser-  power-sharing arrangement in Sudan and the  on November 19.
       voirs, holding estimated 2,400bn cubic meters  exclusion of the military from any political role.  “But we have said very clearly that we are still
       of gas in place.                       At least 119 people, including 20 children,  not where we want to be,” Grynspan told a UN
       Eni, November 23 2022               have been killed by security forces in violent  briefing. “There is still work to be done and espe-
                                           crackdowns on near-weekly pro-democracy  cially in the fertiliser area because there, still, we
       Sudan raises fuel prices,           protests.                            are seeing a fertiliser crunch.”
                                              Sudan has been suffering a deep economic
                                                                                  “We see a very steep decline in the demand
       says inflation under control        crisis. Billions of dollars in foreign aid were  for fertilisers because of the affordability crisis,
                                                                                and that is what is keeping us awake right now,”
                                           suspended by Western countries and interna-
       The Sudanese government raised fuel prices over  tional financial institutions (IFIs) after the coup.  she added.
       the weekend after a monthly revision of interna-  Western governments say Sudan has to return to   Much of the trade thus far has been in Ukrain-
       tional prices, according to a statement from the  civilian rule before crucial aid can resume and a  ian grains, and Russia has repeatedly expressed
       Energy Ministry.                    civilian government is established.  frustration that more hasn’t been done to allow
         Prices for one litre of petrol rose to SDG620   bna/IntelliNews, November 14 2022  the export of Russian food and fertilisers. This is
       ($1.07) from SDG522, while prices for one litre                          mainly due to fears from private companies that
       of diesel increased to SDG720 from SDG672.                               they could be targeted for sanctions if they work
         The move is expected to increase the already  PETROCHEMICALS           with Moscow. The UN is working to solve this
       skyrocketing inflation rate and will add more                            issue, alongside Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.
       pressure on low-income classes’ living costs.  West Africa to get          Before President Vladimir Putin announced
         The country’s CPI inflation hit 102.6% in                              the so-called “special military operation,” Russia
       October, according to the latest estimates from   next batch of Russian   was the world’s top exporter of fertiliser.
       the Central Bureau of Statistics.                                          “We hope that the next destination of the fer-
         The government is currently borrowing lim-  fertiliser supplies        tilisers will be West Africa, which has been very
       ited amounts of money from the Central Bank,                             affected by the affordability crisis of fertilisers,”
       but is able to control inflation so far, the finance  West Africa will receive the next batch of Rus-  said Grynspan. “Next destinations: West Africa.”
       and economic planning minister Jibril Ibrahim  sian fertiliser once it has been released, a top UN   bne/IntelliNews, November 22 2022

       Week 47   24•November•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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