Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 19 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Line 5 fight escalates as

       Michigan’s shutdown

       deadline passes

       Enbridge has kept its Line 5 pipeline operating beyond

       the deadline that Michigan had set for a shutdown, in an
       escalation of their dispute over the project’s fate

        NORTH AMERICA    ENBRIDGE’S fight with the State of Michigan  and particularly the underwater section, into
                         over the fate of the Line 5 pipeline has escalated  question.
       WHAT:             further, with the deadline set by Michigan Gov-  Enbridge proposed in late 2018 to replace
       Enbridge’s Line 5 pipeline   ernor Gretchen Whitmer for a shutdown pass-  the underwater segment, and house it in a new
       is still operating, despite   ing this week. Whitmer had ordered that the  underground tunnel below the straits – with the
       an order from the   4.5-mile (7.2-km) twin pipeline section running  project “virtually eliminating” the risk of a spill
       Governor of Michigan to   beneath the Straits of Mackinac, which connect  or pipeline incident in the waterway. However,
       shut it down by May 12.  two of the Great Lakes, halt operations by May  Whitmer has continued to oppose the pipeline
                         12.                                  altogether.
       WHY:                However, Enbridge is arguing that Michi-  In November 2020, she revoked the 1953
       The pipeline company is   gan does not have the authority to make such a  easement that allows Enbridge to operate the
       arguing that Michigan   demand, and as of May 13, it continued to oper-  underwater segment, alleging “persistent and
       has overstepped its   ate the pipeline, having said it would only halt  incurable violations of the easement’s terms and
       authority and says it will   Line 5 if ordered to do so by a judge.  conditions” by the pipeline company. The ease-
       only halt operations on   Whitmer is now expected to pursue retalia-  ment’s revocation came with the order to shut
       Line 5 if ordered to do so   tory measures, and has notified Enbridge that  the underwater segment of Line 5 by May 12.
       by a judge.       Michigan would seek to seize the profits from   Enbridge has maintained all along that Mich-
                         Line 5’s operations beyond May 12.   igan lacks the authority to order a shutdown,
       WHAT NEXT:          The dispute also threatens relations between  because interstate pipelines are overseen by the
       Ottawa has warned that   the US and Canada, with Ottawa throwing its  US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
       the dispute threatens to   support behind Enbridge and speaking more  Administration (PHMSA). As shutting down
       undermine US-Canada   forcefully on the issue this week.  the underwater segment would affect the entire
       relations if the pipeline is                           645-mile (1,038-km) pipeline, which carries
       shut down.        Ongoing dispute                      540,000 barrels per day (bpd), the company has
                         The dispute has been going on for some time,  also warned that the economic impact would be
                         with Whitmer calling the safety of Line 5,  severe, not just in the US but also in Canada.

                                                                                                  Michigan Governor
                                                                                                  Gretchen Whitmer is
                                                                                                  concerned over the
                                                                                                  safety of the underwater
                                                                                                  section of Line 5.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   13•May•2021
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