Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 19 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           Indeed, Line 5 is not only an interstate pipe-  in court-ordered mediation, with the next ses-
                         line but a cross-border one too, running from  sion scheduled for May 18, but the process is still
                         Wisconsin to Ontario, Canada, via Michigan.  in its early days and does not yet appear to have
                         This week, the government of Canada, which  moved them any closer to a resolution.
                         has long been supportive of Enbridge in this   In the meantime, Enbridge has insisted
                         case, issued its most strongly worded state-  that it will keep operating the pipeline unless
                         ment on Line 5. In a federal court filing, Ottawa  a court or regulatory ruling prevents it from
                         warned that shutting down Line 5 would “harm”  doing so.
                         the relationship between Canada and the US, as   “We will not stop operating the pipeline
                         well as causing fuel shortages, price spikes and  unless we are ordered by a court or our regu-
                         layoffs. Additionally, the Canadian government  lator, which we view as highly unlikely,” an
                         warned that if Michigan were to force a shut-  Enbridge spokesman, Ryan Duffy, was quoted
                         down, it would contravene a 1977 treaty that  by the Associated Press as saying this week.
                         guarantees the free flow of oil between the two  “Line 5 is operating safely, reliably and is in com-
                         countries.                           pliance with the law.”
                           “This case raises concerns regarding the effi-  However, Michigan is expected to retaliate
                         cacy of the historic framework upon which the  against Enbridge’s refusal to comply with the
                         US-Canada relationship has been successfully  shutdown order. In a letter to Enbridge’s exec-  Michigan is
                         managed for generations,” Ottawa said. It added  utive vice-president for liquids pipelines, Vern
                         that Michigan’s move “threatens to undermine  Yu, this week, Whitmer warned that continuing   expected to
                         important aspects of that co-operative interna-  to operate Line 5 after May 12 would constitute   retaliate against
                         tional relationship”.                an “intentional trespass”. If the company chose
                           The Canadian government’s brief has urged  to keep the segment operating, it would be   Enbridge’s refusal
                         further efforts by Enbridge and Michigan to  doing so “at its own risk”, she added.
                         reach a settlement. It is also calling for the shut-  “If the state prevails in the underlying litiga-  to comply with
                         down order to be suspended while the US and  tion, Enbridge will face the prospect of having
                         Canada discuss whether closing the pipeline  to disgorge to the state all profits it derives from   the shutdown
                         would violate the 1977 treaty.       its wrongful use of the easement lands following   order.
                           For her part, US Secretary of Energy Jennifer  that date,” Whitmer said.
                         Granholm – a former Michigan governor – has   There is still considerable uncertainty over
                         not publicised her administration’s position  how the court battle will play out, but if Mich-
                         on the dispute, saying this week that it remains  igan ultimately succeeds in having Line 5 shut
                         before the courts.                   down, this could have worrying implications
                                                              for other pipelines that are already operational.
                         What next?                           Enbridge – and the industry more broadly –
                         Whitmer’s order needs a confirmatory ruling  will have to hope that the litigation goes in its
                         from a judge to enforce it, and a federal judge  favour. Certainly, the company’s actions sug-
                         currently weighing which court – state or federal  gest that it will do everything in its power to
                         – should have jurisdiction. The two sides are also  keep Line 5 running.™

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