Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 19 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Sempra likely to push Port

       Arthur LNG FID back to 2022

        TEXAS            SEMPRA Energy said last week that it would  stake in the facility. Aramco had also agreed
                         likely delay the final investment decision (FID)  on a preliminary basis to buy LNG from the
                         on its proposed Port Arthur LNG export termi-  project over a 20-year period. However, the
                         nal in Texas to 2022.                pandemic has resulted in the Middle Eastern
                           If this happens, it would be the second delay  company reconsidering some of its investment
                         after Sempra initially pushed back the FID  plans.
                         from 2020 to 2021 as a result of market uncer-  Meanwhile, Sempra continues construction
                         tainty caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19)  on its Energía Costa Azul (ECA) LNG project in
                         pandemic.                            Mexico, which was the only LNG export project
                           The continuing impacts of the pandemic were  to reach FID in 2020. In the company’s earnings
                         cited again this time around, with Sempra also  call, Sempra’s chairman and CEO, Jeffrey Mar-
                         saying that it was working with partners and cus-  tin, remarked that ECA LNG Phase 1 was “going
                         tomers to reduce Port Arthur’s greenhouse gas  very well”, with some of the site preparation work
                         (GHG) emissions profile and enhance its com-  having started last month.
                         petitiveness in the context of the energy transi-  Additionally, Martin talked up progress being
                         tion. As a result of this work and the pandemic,  made towards a planned expansion of the Cam-
                         it is “more likely” that the FID will come next  eron LNG export terminal in Louisiana. He said
                         year, Sempra’s executive vice-president and chief  the partners in the project were working through
                         financial officer, Trevor Mihalik, said during the  the funding of the pre-front-end engineering
                         company’s earnings call.             and design (pre-FEED) work, with this expected
                           The first phase of Port Arthur LNG would  to help advance and optimise the overall techni-
                         have a capacity of 13.5mn tonnes per year (tpy)  cal design of Cameron Phase 2.
                         from two liquefaction trains. In a setback for   Sempra is also making “great progress” on
                         the project, it was reported in September 2020  commercial discussions with Mitsui, Mitsubishi
                         that state-owned Saudi Aramco was reviewing  and Total – who are also partners in Cameron –
                         its earlier preliminary decision to buy a 25%  according to Martin.™

       Shell makes Gulf discovery at Leopard

        GULF OF MEXICO   ROYAL Dutch Shell announced this week that  “With our US Gulf of Mexico production among
                         its Shell Offshore subsidiary had made a “signif-  the lowest GHG [greenhouse gas] intensities in
                         icant” oil discovery at the Leopard prospect, in  the world, Shell remains confident about the
                         the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico.     GoM and this latest discovery will help us deliver
                           The discovery is located roughly 245 miles  on our strategy to focus on valuable, high-mar-
                         (394 km) south-southeast of Houston, in the Per-  gin barrels as we sustain material upstream cash
                         dido Corridor, where Shell is already producing  flows into the 2030s.”
       Leopard is located in   oil from the Great White, Silvertip and Tobago   Shell is targeting net-zero GHG emissions
       the Perdido Corridor,   fields via the Perdido spar. The super-major has  by 2050, but Goodfellow’s comments and the
       where Shell is already   made two other discoveries nearby since 2018  fact that exploration continues illustrate that the
       producing oil from the   with the Whale and Blacktip prospects.  super-major considers certain oil and gas opera-
       Great White, Silvertip   Leopard, in Alaminos Canyon (AC) Block  tions to fit into this strategy, at least for now. The
       and Tobago fields via   691, encountered more than 600 feet (183  company says it is the largest deepwater lease-
       the Perdido spar.  metres) of net oil pay across multiple levels.  holder in the Gulf, with access to some of the
                         Shell said it was continuing to evaluate the find in  most prolific acreage in the region.
                         order to further define the development options   In the May 11 announcement, Shell noted
                         available.                           that the comment about its US Gulf production
                           “Leopard expands our leading position in  having one of the lowest GHG intensities in the
                         the Gulf of Mexico and is an exciting addition to  world was based on a comparison with other
                         our core portfolio, especially given its proximity  producers that are members of the International
                         to existing infrastructure and other discoveries  Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).
                         in the Perdido Corridor,” stated Shell’s deepwa-  Shell operates Leopard with a 50% interest,
                         ter executive vice-president, Paul Goodfellow.  while Chevron owns the remaining 50%.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   13•May•2021
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