Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 19 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                              ENERGY TRANSITION                                        NorthAmOil

       Suncor, ATCO partner on hydrogen project

        ALBERTA          CANADIAN companies Suncor Energy and  companies added. They said the project is antic-
                         utility ATCO have partnered on a project to pro-  ipated to reduce Alberta’s carbon dioxide (CO2)
                         duce more than 300,000 tonnes per year (tpy)  emissions by more than 2mn tpy.
                         of hydrogen near Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.   “With abundant natural gas resources and
                         The plan is aimed at helping oil sands producer  geology that is well suited to the utilisation and
                         Suncor – and the broader region – reduce green-  permanent storage of CO2, Alberta is one of
                         house gas (GHG) emissions, in line with Cana-  the best places in the world to produce clean
                         da’s long-term decarbonisation goals.  hydrogen,” stated Suncor’s president and CEO,
                           Canada is already a major producer of grey  Mark Little. “Suncor’s 50 years of experience [of]
       Around 65% of the   hydrogen, which is produced from fossil fuels  producing and using hydrogen in refining and
       produced hydrogen   in an emissions-intensive process. Suncor and  upgrading operations combined with ATCO’s
       would be used at   ATCO’s project, however, would seek to pro-  extensive midstream gas experience creates a
       Suncor’s Edmonton   duce blue hydrogen – which is also made from  winning partnership to reduce our companies’
       refinery, reducing the   non-renewable sources, but with a carbon cap-  emissions and establish Canada as a global leader
       facility’s emissions by   ture and storage (CCS) component for the emis-  in clean hydrogen. Collaborating with industry
       up to 60%.        sions generated.                     partners and governments on these types of
                           The companies said they would use  strategic projects will assist in decarbonising our
                         “advanced” technology to capture more than  base business,” he added.
                         90% of the emissions generated by their hydro-  The companies anticipate a final investment
                         gen production process.              decision (FID) on the project in 2024, with oper-
                           Around 65% of the produced hydrogen  ations then potentially starting in 2028. There is
                         would be used in refining processes and for  no capital cost estimate yet but ATCO’s chair and
                         cogeneration of steam and electricity at Sun-  CEO, Nancy Southern, told the Canadian Press
                         cor’s Edmonton refinery, reducing the facility’s  that it would be a “multibillion-dollar” project.
                         emissions by up to 60%. Another 20% of the   “We see that there’s going to be significant
                         produced hydrogen could be used in Alberta’s  demand for the additional excess 15% of the
                         natural gas grid to further reduce emissions, the  hydrogen,” she said.™

       Xcel to buy lower-emissions

       gas for Colorado customers

        COLORADO         ELECTRICITY and gas utility Xcel has struck a  to the company’s announcement.
                         deal to buy natural gas with strict greenhouse gas   “Energy markets and stakeholders alike are
                         (GHG) emissions controls for its customers in  increasingly demanding responsibly sourced
                         Colorado. The decision makes it one of the first  natural gas that is certified by a trusted, inde-
                         major utilities to turn to lower-emissions gas.  pendent source,”  stated  Project  Canary’s
                           The company will buy its “responsibly  co-founder and CEO, Chris Romer. “Coloradans
                         sourced gas” (RSG) supplies from Crestone  understand the important role natural gas plays
                         Peak Resources, which operates in Colorado’s  in our resilient energy mix and they also expect
                         Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin. The gas will be  the highest environmental standards.”
                         certified by Denver-based Project Canary, which   For Xcel, meanwhile, the move is a step
                         supplies continuous monitoring technology and  towards its goal of delivering carbon-neutral
                         a certification process to give an emissions rating  electricity by 2050. It says it was the first major
                         for natural gas.                     US power producer to set such a target.
                           Project Canary is increasingly partnering up   “We are committed to reducing methane
                         with various US oil and gas companies to moni-  emissions from our own operations and using
                         tor and certify their emissions as more and more  our buying power to encourage our suppliers
                         industry players attempt to bolster their envi-  to reduce their emissions as well” Xcel Energy’s
                         ronmental credentials. Its other partners include  president for Colorado, Alice Jackson, stated.
                         shale drillers EQT and Chesapeake Energy, as  “That is why we’re pleased to work with Crestone
                         well as LNG developer NextDecade.    Peak Resources and Project Canary on a pilot
                           Crestone is the first producer in the state to  project that clearly demonstrates to custom-
                         use Project Canary’s TrustWell certification on  ers our dedication to delivering them a cleaner
                         all of its current production volumes, according  energy product.”™

       Week 19   13•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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