Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 19 2021
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       unaudited financial results for its first quarter   diagnostics service utilises real-time fibre   “I am delighted to welcome Katharina to
       ended March 31, 2021.               optic measurements to monitor the fracture   the Schlumberger team at a pivotal time for
         For the first quarter ended March 31,   treatment process in wells. Capturing high   the company, the energy industry and our
       2021, the company reported revenues of   resolution, real-time data allows operators to   planet. Sustainability is increasingly core to
       $11,748,000, a decrease of approximately   course correct, improving fracture length and   our performance strategy, through which
       70% compared to $38,979,000 for the quarter   fracture-height model calibration as well as   we will realise our vision,” said Olivier Le
       ended March 31, 2020. For the first quarter   evaluating effective well spacing. Additionally,   Peuch, Chief Executive Officer. “Katharina’s
       of 2021, the company reported a net loss of   since the fibre can be deployed into new or   impressive experience and expertise acquired
       $5,228,000, or $0.22 loss per share of common   existing wells, the technology can also be used   over more than 20 years will help us elevate
       stock, compared to net income of $993,000,   to profile production.      our sustainability agenda and fully integrate
       or $0.04 per share of common stock, for the   James Pollard, Managing Director of   it into our corporate strategy, ensuring we
       quarter ended March 31, 2020. The company   OptaSense, a Luna company, stated, “The   enable our customers’ success.”
       reported negative EBITDA of $1,858,000 for   ability to optimise frack design based on   SCHLUMBERGER, May 13, 2021
       the quarter ended March 31, 2021 compared   reservoir and production response will deliver
       to EBITDA of $5,831,000 for the quarter   considerable value. OptaSense’s fibre-optic
       ended March 31, 2020.               measurements, delivering real-time data and   ENERGY TRANSITION
         The first fiscal quarter of 2021 was difficult   visualisation, along with Liberty’s hydraulic
       as indicated in our 2020 year-end earnings   fracturing stimulation and completion design   Mitsubishi Power and Texas
       release. The company operated one seismic   expertise, will help operators maximise
       data acquisition crew in the United States   resource recovery in their reservoirs.”  Brine join forces on large-
       (US) with limited utilisation and one crew in   “FracSense is our latest service offering,
       Canada. The near term outlook for seismic   which strengthens our existing portfolio   scale hydrogen storage
       data acquisition activity in the US remains   of fracture engineering technologies,” said
       challenged with historically low levels of crew   Liberty CEO, Chris Wright. “This allows our   solutions to support
       and bid activity. Based on currently available   renowned technical team to provide best-in-
       information, the company anticipates limited   class fracture diagnostics and modelling to   decarbonisation efforts in
       crew activity in the second quarter with up   help our customers with completion design
       to one crew operating in the US with periods   optimisation and extract maximum value   the Eastern United States
       of low utilisation in the back half of 2021.   from their resource.”
       Currently, the company does not have a crew   LUNA INNOVATIONS, May 13, 2021  Mitsubishi Power Americas and Texas
       deployed in the US and the Canadian season                               Brine have signed an agreement to develop
       concluded at the end of the first quarter.                               large-scale long-duration hydrogen storage
       DAWSON GEOPHYSICAL, May 13, 2021    MOVES                                solutions to support decarbonisation efforts
                                                                                across the eastern United States. Long-
       OptaSense and Liberty                Schlumberger appoints               duration hydrogen storage is a key enabling
                                                                                technology for the transition to a net zero
       Oilfield Services form              Dr. Katharina Beumelburg             carbon energy future.
                                                                                  This collaboration expands Mitsubishi
       partnership                         as chief strategy and                Power’s capability to store hydrogen safely
                                                                                and cost effectively in salt caverns in strategic
       Luna Innovations, a global leader in advanced   sustainability officer   locations across North America. The nation’s
       optical technology, today announced an                                   largest brine producer, Texas Brine and its
       important partnership between its OptaSense   Schlumberger announced today the   affiliates have salt positions in New York,
       business and Liberty Oilfield Services.   appointment of Dr. Katharina Beumelburg to   Virginia, Texas and Louisiana that will enable
       The strategic partnership is introducing   the position of chief strategy and sustainability  access to major load centers in the Northeast,
       FracSenseTM, a diagnostic service to help   officer, Schlumberger Limited, reporting to   Mid-Atlantic and the Gulf Coast.
       engineering professionals at our oil & gas   Olivier Le Peuch, chief executive officer. The   Salt deposits are unique geological features
       customers acquire more accurate diagnostic   appointment is effective Monday, May 17.  into which caverns can be solution mined
       information, ultimately leading to optimised   As a member of the executive team, Dr.   to provide safe, reliable and economical
       hydrocarbon production.             Beumelburg will oversee corporate strategy,   bulk gas storage. Hydrogen has been stored
         “The formation of this alliance with Liberty  sustainability, marketing and communications   in salt caverns for decades in the US Gulf
       is an important step in capturing a significant   activities across the company.  Coast. Expanding the use of salt caverns for
       opportunity in the oil and gas market,” said   Dr. Beumelburg joins Schlumberger from   hydrogen energy storage in other regions
       Luna Innovations CEO, Scott Graeff. “Fibre-  a global technology company, Siemens, where   offers a significant opportunity to create an
       optic sensing technology provides operators   she has held various leadership positions   infrastructure for clean energy resources
       the ability to gather key data while improving   including strategy development incorporating   throughout the US to benefit industries such
       their overall asset economics. We are excited   sustainability; management consulting;   as power, transportation and manufacturing
       to work with our partners and customers to   business excellence; and operations   that are targeting net zero carbon emissions.
       deliver this cutting-edge technology.”  management. In her most recent position, she   MITSUBISHI POWER AMERICAS AND TEXAS
         Launched in partnership with Liberty, the   led the global Transmission Services business.  BRINE, May 12, 2021

       Week 19   13•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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