Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 39 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       US reportedly considering extending

       MLPs to renewables

        US               TAX-ADVANTAGED partnerships typically  They are publicly traded.
                         used to benefit the US’s oil and gas industry are   Advocates of extending MLPs to renewable
                         being considered for renewable energy, Reuters  energy say that an MLP ensures that benefits
                         has reported.                        flow through to the developer, even if they do
                           The news service, citing knowledgeable  not have the taxable income to benefit from tax
                         sources, reports that the White House is backing  credits.
                         a plan by Congressional Democrats to extend   President Ronald Reagan authorised MLPs in
                         master limited partnerships (MLPs) to renew-  the Tax Reform Act of 1986 in order to increase
                         able energy.                         investment in capital-intensive energy infra-
                           This is important because oil and gas has long  structure and in real estate.
       Oil and gas has long   benefited from MLPs to build out billions of dol-  “An expansion [into renewables] could allow
       benefited from MLPs   lars of pipelines and storage facilities.  retail investors to directly invest in renewable
       to build out billions of   “This is about fairness and equity. This change  energy projects, rather than only being able to
       dollars of pipelines and   could really jump-start plenty of projects and  invest in companies that may deal in renewa-
       storage facilities.  help support lower carbon fuels,” Geoff Cooper,  bles,” Clark Sackschewsky, tax market leader at
                         head of the Renewable Fuels Association, told  BDO USA in Houston, told Reuters.
                         Reuters.                               Such a plan, if implemented, would cost the
                           President Joe Biden has set a goal of a car-  US Treasury almost $1bn in lost tax revenue over
                         bon-pollution free power sector by 2035 and is  a decade.
                         pushing the Democrat’s $3.5 trillion spending   Some environmentalists, however, have
                         legislation, which includes MLPs for renewable  instead called on Biden to end MLPs for oil
                         energy such as wind, solar and biofuels. The leg-  and gas because of the need to lower carbon
                         islation also extends production and investment  emissions.
                         tax credits for wind and solar.        The Alerian MLP Index, which measures
                           The  MLP expansion  would  enable  the  interest in energy infrastructure MLPs such as
                         renewables industry to form the partnerships,  the sizeable Enterprise Products Partners and
                         which combine the tax advantages of partner-  Energy Transfer entities, is valued at nearly
                         ships with funding advantages of corporations.  $200bn, said Reuters.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       BP starts up Thunder Horse expansion

        GULF OF MEXICO   BP announced this week that it had brought its  block 822, south-east of the Thunder Horse
                         Thunder Horse South Expansion Phase 2 project  platform in 6,350 feet (1,935 metres) of water.
                         online in the US Gulf of Mexico.     With the project now online, BP’s programme
                           The initial two-well tieback at the Phase 2  of five major project start-ups that were planned
                         project is anticipated to have peak gross average  for 2021 has been completed, the super-major
                         production of 25,000 barrels of oil equivalent per  noted. Indeed, it also brought a sixth venture
                         day (boepd). BP’s senior vice-president of pro-  online with the early start-up of the Matapal
                         jects, production and operations, Ewan Drum-  project in Trinidad in late September.
                         mond, described the project as a “great example   The start-up of the latest Thunder Horse
                         of the type of fast-payback, high-return tie-back  expansion comes as UK-listed BP pursues a plan
                         opportunities we continue to deliver as we focus  to grow its Gulf output to around 400,000 boepd
                         and high-grade our portfolio”.       on a net basis by the mid-2020s.
                           Thunder Horse is BP’s largest production   “Bringing high-margin, resilient barrels
                         platform in the Gulf, with a capacity to process  online in basins we know best is central to BP’s
                         up to 250,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil and  strategy,” stated BP’s senior vice-president for the
                         200mn cubic feet (5.7mn cubic metres) per day  Gulf of Mexico and Canada, Starlee Sykes.
                         of natural gas. It is located roughly 150 miles (241   BP is also pursuing a net-zero greenhouse gas
                         km) south-east of New Orleans. BP operates  (GHG) emissions goal, set for 2050 at the latest,
                         Thunder Horse with a 75% stake, while Exxon-  but its recent start-ups illustrate that it continues
                         Mobil holds the remaining 25%.       to see potential for oil and gas projects, at least in
                           Phase 2 is located on Mississippi Canyon  the shorter term.™

       Week 39   30•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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