Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 39 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Novatek deputy chairman

       arrested over allegedly

       hiding $93mn from IRS

       Novatek’s deputy chairman, Mark Gyetvay, has already

       met his $80mn bail but has surrendered his passports and
       remains in Florida

        US-RUSSIA        THE deputy chairman of Russia’s second-larg-  between 2005, two years after he was appointed
                         est gas producer Novatek, Florida businessman  as Novatek’s CFO, and 2016. The DoJ said he
       WHAT:             Mark Gyetvay, has been arrested in the US on  had “allegedly received lucrative stock options
       Novatek deputy chairman   tax charges relating to $93mn that was hidden in  and/or stock-based compensation” as part of his
       Mark Gyetvay has been   offshore accounts.             compensation for the role.
       indicated for reportedly   Gyetvay played a key role in arranging financ-  “Beginning in 2005, Gyetvay allegedly opened
       hiding $93mn from the   ing for Novatek’s ambitious $27bn Yamal LNG  the first of two different Swiss bank accounts to
       IRS.              export project in the Russian Arctic, which  hold these assets, which at one point had an
                         came online in December 2017. His arrest  aggregate value of over $93mn,” the DoJ said.
       WHY:              comes as the Russian gas company continues its  “Over a period of several years, Gyetvay alleg-
       The Florida businessman   search for external financing for its next scheme,  edly took steps to conceal his ownership and
       has plead not guilty and   Arctic LNG-2, which is expected to start pro-  control over the foreign accounts and associated
       vowed to fight what he   duction in 2023.              assets, such as removing himself and making
       says are “baseless”   The US Department of Justice (DoJ) said in a  his then-wife, a Russian citizen, the beneficial
       charges.          statement on September 23 that a federal grand  owner of the accounts.”
                         jury in Fort Myers, Florida, was charging Gyet-  Despite being a certified public accountant,
       WHAT NEXT:        vay “with defrauding the US by not disclosing  the department continued, the indictment states
       The controversy comes   his substantial offshore assets, failing to report  that Gyetvay did not his US tax returns on time,
       at a time when Novatek   substantial income on his tax returns, failing to  or the required Reports of Foreign Bank and
       is seeking external   pay millions of dollars of taxes and submitting  Financial Accounts (FBARs) forms that some
       financing for Arctic   a false offshore compliance filing with the IRS  US taxpayers have to submit to disclose control
       LNG-2.            in an attempt to avoid substantial penalties and  over assets maintained in foreign bank accounts.
                         criminal prosecution.”               Those tax returns he did file were false, accord-
                           The tax charges relate to Gyetvay’s activities  ing to the indictment, and he also submitted a

                                                                                                  Gyetvay played a
                                                                                                  key role in arranging
                                                                                                  financing for Novatek’s
                                                                                                  ambitious $27bn Yamal
                                                                                                  LNG export project.

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   30•September•2021
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