Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 39 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Seeking an exit

       Various investors of different kinds are

       seeking an exit from Canada’s oil and gas

       industry amid improved oil and gas prices

        CANADA           A variety of investors is seeking to exit Canadian   Majors pulling back from the region included
                         oil and gas, encouraged by higher commodity  ConocoPhillips, which sold the majority of its
       WHAT:             prices and, in some cases, the ongoing shift to  oil sands assets for $13.3bn in 2017, retain-
       Abu Dhabi’s TAQA is   greener operations. These players include oil and  ing only its 50% stake in the Surmont project.
       the latest company to   gas producers, private equity firms that back pri-  Meanwhile, Marathon Oil sold its oil sands
       reportedly be pursuing   vate operators and pension funds.  holdings the same year for around $2.5bn.
       a sale of its Canadian oil   Indeed, it was reported this week that Abu   For these companies, it was increasingly more
       and gas assets.   Dhabi National Energy Co. (TAQA) is seek-  appealing to focus on their domestic US opera-
                         ing to sell its Canadian oil and gas operations  tions – particularly onshore shale. Players based
       WHY:              in their entirety. Separately, pension manager  in countries outside the US also joined the exo-
       A variety of investors,   Caisse de Depot et Placement du Quebec has  dus. Royal Dutch Shell sold most of its oil sands
       including private equity   unveiled plans to sell billions of dollars’ worth  assets for $8.5bn, also in 2017. More recently,
       firms, operators and   of oil assets, including equity stakes in Canada’s  Norway’s Equinor completed its exit from the
       pension funds, are   top crude producers.              region in January 2021 under mounting pres-
       seeking to exit Canadian   However, these moves come as demand for  sure to invest in greener projects. And Japan
       oil and gas.      oil and gas is booming and is anticipated to rise  Petroleum Exploration (JAPEX) sold its entire
                         further still next year. Industry groups such as  stake in the Hangingstone oil sands project to
       WHAT NEXT:        the Canadian Association of Petroleum Produc-  Canada’s HE Acquisition in September.
       The moves come,   ers (CAPP) have warned that instead of encour-  In TAQA’s case, the latest news comes as no
       however, as demand for   aging an overall decrease in global oil and gas  surprise, given that the company said around a
       oil and gas is rising.  investment, moves such as that by Caisse could  month ago that it could sell some or all of its oil
                         result in capital shifting to other major oil pro-  and gas assets as part of a strategic review. Reu-
                         ducers, including Russia.            ters reported this week, citing sources familiar
                                                              with the matter, that the state-backed company
                         Exodus                               had hired advisers to sell its entire holdings in
                         The exodus of producers from Canada is nothing  Canada. The move was reported to be part of a
                         new – foreign players especially have pulled back  drive to reduce the company’s carbon footprint,
                         from Alberta’s oil sands in recent years. A num-  according to the sources.
                         ber of high-profile exits of international majors   Consultancy IHS Markit has estimated that
                         took place around 2017 as low oil prices and lim-  TAQA’s Canadian assets could fetch up to
                         ited future growth prospects – exacerbated by a  CAD1.5 billion ($1.2bn). The assets produced
                         takeaway capacity crunch – made staying in the  around 73,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                         region an unattractive proposition.  (boepd) in 2020, accounting for more than 60%

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