Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 39 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Cheniere receives green light to introduce

       feed gas to Sabine Pass Train 6

        US GULF COAST    US LNG giant Cheniere Energy has been given  deliveries to the whole of the Sabine Pass ter-
                         the go-ahead by regulators to introduce feed gas  minal have hit their highest level since May
                         to Train 6 at its Sabine Pass export terminal in  amid booming demand overseas. Once Train 6
                         Louisiana.                           is online, Sabine Pass will have the capacity to
                           The US Federal Energy Regulatory Commis-  produce around 30mn tonnes per year (tpy) of
                         sion (FERC) approved Cheniere’s September 15  LNG.
                         request to introduce feed gas last week. The move   This, together with Cheniere’s Corpus Christi
                         will form part of the commissioning process for  export terminal in Texas, will bring the compa-
                         Train 6, which is being brought online earlier  ny’s overall LNG production capacity to 45mn
                         than initially expected.             tpy – three times that of its nearest US rivals.
                           In March, the train’s construction was esti-  Cheniere is also planning to launch a new 10mn
                         mated to be about a year ahead of schedule. Ear-  tpy expansion phase at Corpus Christi, and has
                         lier in September, Cheniere said it expected to  previously said it could make a final investment
                         bring the train online in the first quarter of 2022,  decision (FID) on this new phase in 2022.
                         instead of the first half of the year as previously   Sabine Pass Train 6 is not the only new US
                         anticipated. Then last week, Cheniere’s chief  LNG unit to be nearing start-up. Separately, Ven-
                         commercial officer, Anatol Feygin, was cited as  ture Global LNG’s chief commercial officer Tom
                         saying that depending on certain variables, there  Earl said last week at the Gastech event that his
                         was a “good chance” that Train 6 would begin  company’s Calcasieu Pass LNG terminal in Lou-
                         production before the end of 2021.   isiana was nearing completion and was due to
                           The introduction of feed gas is timely, as  begin production in the coming months.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Enbridge signs RNG, hydrogen deals

        NORTH AMERICA    CANADA’S Enbridge said this week that it had   Coffee chain Starbucks and multinational
                         signed deals on two low-carbon infrastructure  consumer goods firm Unilever are providing
                         partnerships, with Vanguard Renewables and  food waste to Vanguard for processing into
                         Royal Dutch Shell, as it continues its push to  RNG.
                         decarbonise.                           Meanwhile, under the other deal, Enbridge
                           Under the Vanguard deal, Enbridge will buy  and Shell will collaborate on potential produc-
                         2bn cubic feet (56.6mn cubic metres) per year of  tion of blue and green hydrogen – that made
                         renewable natural gas (RNG) from the US com-  from fossil fuels with a carbon capture com-
                         pany. RNG is produced from gas captured from  ponent and that using renewable electricity
                         food waste, manure or landfills and turned into  respectively.
                         fuel for transportation or heating.    The companies are also looking at develop-
                           Vanguard will build and operate eight anaer-  ing a carbon capture and storage (CCS) hub in
                         obic digesters in the US at a cost of $200mn to  southern Ontario, Enbridge’s senior vice-presi-
                         supply the RNG to Enbridge. The pipeline com-  dent of strategy, renewables and new energies,
                         pany will then be able replicate the project across  Matthew Akman, told a company forum on
                         the US and has said it could double the RNG it  September 28.
                         sells within several years. It also said that compa-  Few details have been provided, but this
                         nies buying the RNG from Enbridge would col-  comes as the narrowly re-elected Canadian
                         lect the offsets associated with decarbonisation.  government is pushing to provide incentives
                           Enbridge will spend $100mn on equipment  for at least two major new CCS hubs by 2030
                         for producing pipeline-quality RNG, which it  as part of its plan to cut greenhouse gas (GHG)
                         will then market to customers in the US. It will  emissions.
                         become the latest company to partner with Van-  Separately, Enbridge is in the news this week
                         guard, which has announced various collabo-  after announcing that flows would begin on its
                         rations with North American gas companies in  Line 3 replacement oil pipeline from Alberta to
                         recent months.                       Wisconsin on October 1.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 39   30•September•2021
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