Page 18 - EurOil Week 05 2023
P. 18

EurOil                         NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           EurOil

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              Welcome to NewsBase’s Oil & Gas Roundup  GLNG: Germany to look at restricting Rus-
                         Global (NRG), in which the reader is invited  sian LNG imports
                         to join our team of international editors, who  Germany’s government wants to limit Russian
                         provide a snapshot of some of the key issues  LNG purchases as part of efforts to ratchet up
                         affecting their regional beats. We hope you will  pressure on Moscow’s revenue stream, Bloomb-
                         like NRG's new concise format, but by clicking  erg reported this week.
                         on the headline link for each section the full text   Citing written responses by Germany’s
                         will be available as before.        deputy energy minister, Patrick Graichen,
                                                             to questions submitted by opposition
                                                             lawmakers, the news agency reported that
                         AfrOil: Reports Surface Of New Shell Dis-  the government could require gas buyers
                         covery Offshore Namibia             to disclose the origin of the LNG they
                         Shell (UK) has made a new discovery in the  purchase, if the volume is more than a
                         Orange basin offshore Namibia, according to a  certain amount.
                         report from Upstream Online.
                           Three informed sources told the   LatAmOil: T&T Wins Two-Year Waiver For
                         publication that the multi-national had   Joint Gas Project With Venezuela
                         found hydrocarbons in Jonker-1, a well   Keith Rowley, the prime minister of Trinidad
                         drilled at Block 2913A.             and Tobago, revealed that US authorities have
                                                             agreed to let his country proceed with the devel-
                         AsianOil: Santos Suffers Further Delays At  opment of Dragon, a natural gas field offshore
                         Barossa Project                     Venezuela.
                         Australia’s Santos has suffered more delays at  Some sources have reported that Venezuela’s
                         its $3.6bn Barossa gas project in the country’s  national oil company (NOC) PdVSA will
                         north, after a regulator instructed the company  serve as operator of the project, which
                         to assess environmental risks to underwater  targets a section of the maritime boundary
                         indigenous cultural heritage before commenc-  line between Trinidad and Tobago and
                         ing pipeline construction.          Venezuela.
                           Australia’s offshore regulator announced
                         the requirement on January 13.      MEOG: OQ Outlines Plans For Abraj IPO
                                                             Omani state oil firm OQ this week disclosed
                         DMEA: Uganda To Take Hoima FID In June  its plans to sell up to 49% of its Abraj Energy
                         Uganda’s  planned  60,000  barrel  per  day  Services drilling arm in an initial public offer-
                         (bpd) refinery at Kabale in Hoima district is  ing (IPO) on the Muscat Securities Market
                         expected to begin production by 2025, pend-  (MSX).
                         ing a final investment decision (FID) to be   Documents posted on the Abraj website
                         made in June.                       said that the subscription period would
                           The project is expected to cost around   begin in February ahead of a March listing,
                         $4bn, but a more precise figure will be   with Bloomberg reporting in September
                         provided during the decision-making   that such a move could raise up to $500mn.
                                                             NorthAmOil:  Hess  To  Focus  In  2023  On
                         FSUOGM:  Russia’s  Current  Account  Sur-  Bakken Shale Play
                         plus Falls By $16bn To $31bn In 4Q22  Hess Corp. will focus more than 80% of a
                         The value of imports into Russia in the fourth   $3.7bn capital and exploratory budget in 2023
                         quarter of 2022 decreased at a slower pace   on a four-rig drilling programme in the Bakken   See the archive and
                         year on year, the Central Bank of Russia   shale, and also on development in Guyana.  sign up to receive
                         (CBR) reported on January 26.          Net production in the Bakken, in   *NRG Editor’s Picks*
                           The positive change was driven by the   North Dakota, is forecast to average   for free by email each
                         reorientation of imports to countries that had   165,000-170,000 barrels of oil equivalent   week here
                         not introduced sanctions against Russia and   per day (boepd), said the New York-
                         by the expansion of parallel imports, the CBR   based exploration and production
                         said in a report.                   company.

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   02•February•2023
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