Page 16 - EurOil Week 05 2023
P. 16

EurOil                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       German industry set to pay 40%      VAT and excises, the state water and energy   14, for minibuses 15.5, for buses 15.4,
                                                                                  The average age for passenger cars was
                                           regulation body, KEVR, said in a statement
       more for energy in 2023 versus      on January 27.                       for pickup trucks 13.3, for trucks 17.8,
                                                                                for motorcycles 13.3, for special purpose
                                              The price is falling as a consequence of
       2021                                the mix of four suppliers and the 30% lower   vehicles 14.3 and for tractors 24.4.
                                                                                  The TUIK statistics also showed that
                                           consumption due to the warm weather.
       German industry is anticipated to pay about   KEVR noted that currently Bulgaria is   last year saw the number of motor vehicles
       40% more for energy this year than in 2021,   not using gas from the Chiren gas storage   registered for road use in Turkey increase by
       a study by Allianz Trade stated on January   since December 25 as it has enough gas   1.27mn, or 10.1%.
       30, as a result of contracts expiring and the   imports.                   Of the 56,506 passenger cars registered
       delayed wholesale pricing impact.      The head of KEVR, Ivan Ivanov, said that   in December, 14.5% were Fiat models,
         Germany was among the EU countries   the committee would not increase the prices   13.9% Renault, 7.2% Toyota, 6.1%
       worst affected by the fallout from Moscow’s   of heating and electricity thanks to the   Volkswagen, 6% Hyundai, 5% Opel, 4.3%
       invasion of Ukraine. As gas and power   lower gas prices.                Kia, 4.3% Mercedes-Benz, 4.1% Peugeot,
       prices soared across the continent, some   KEVR will decide on the price change on   3.9% Dacia, 3.7% BMW, 3.7% Honda, 3.5%
       major German gas buyers such as Uniper   February 1.                     Citroen, 3.4% Skoda, 2.9% Audi, 2.4%
       had their Russian gas supply cut over the                                Nissan, 2.2% Ford, 1.7% Seat, 1.2% Volvo,
       summer after Gazprom reduced flow via the                                1.2% Suzuki and 4.3% other brands.
       Nord Stream 1 pipeline.             Serbia’s NIS invests RSD1.5bn in       Of the 566,280 cars registered for road
         “The large energy-price shock still lies                               use in Turkey—a country of 85mn people—
       ahead for European countries,” Allianz   retail network                  throughout 2022, 70.1% were gasoline-
       Trade, the credit insurer that changed its                               fuelled and 18% were diesel-fuelled. Hybrid
       name from Euler Hermes last year, said.  Serbian oil company NIS invested almost   vehicles made up 8.5% of the registered
         Higher corporate utility bills were   RSD1.5bn (€12.8mn) in the modernisation   cars, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cars 2%
       contained last year as a result of long pass-  and development of its retail network in   and electric vehicles 1.4%.
       through times from wholesale markets, as   2022, the company said in a press release on
       well as government intervention efforts.   January 27.
       That helped dampen the impact of Russian   The development and modernisation of   Croatia’s Janaf, INA sign oil
       cuts to energy supply.              its retail network is one of NIS’s strategic
         However, price hikes will strike corporate  priorities. The company currently has more   transport and storage contracts
       profits across Europe by 1.0-1.5% this year,   than 300 facilities in Serbia.
       curbing investment. This loss of investment   During the year, the company said it put   Croatian oil pipeline operator Janaf said on
       will amount to €25bn ($27bn) in Germany,   into operation nine modernised NIS Petrol   January 26 it has signed contracts with INA
       Allianz Trade estimated. But German firms’   filling stations, of which six were renovated,   oil refinery on oil transport and crude oil
       finances are robust, and a state-introduced   while three new stations were opened.  storage.
       price cap would help matters, the insurer   “Modern retail business requires   One of the contracts concerns the
       said.                               adapting business activities to the latest   transport of at least 1.6mn tonnes to up
         Exporters also lost out on market shares   market trends, which implies constant   to 2.16mn tonnes of oil from the Omisalj
       in sectors such as agrifood, machinery,   investments in improving consumer service,   terminal on the northern Adriatic island
       electrical equipment, metal and transport.   as well as investments in the infrastructure   of Krk to the Rijeka Oil Refinery until 31
       But the main beneficiaries were based in   of facilities. In recent years, NIS has been   December 2023.
       Asia, Middle East and Africa, and not in the   working intensively on the expansion and   According to the second contract, which
       US.                                 modernisation of the gas station network,   is until end-December 2025, Janaf would
         The government’s one-off payments to   which along with the constant improvement   provide a storage capacity of 79,385 cubic
       help households and small businesses cope   of the offer and services aims to ensure that   metres at the Omisalj terminal and 70,000
       with high gas prices have cost €4.3bn so far.   our consumers can at all times count on   cubic metres at the Sisak terminal.
       But up to €12bn has been earmarked for the   maximum service and the best quality of   Janaf has also signed oil transport
       scheme, with many firms yet to apply for   products available to them in our modern   contracts with Serbia’s NIS and Hungary’s
       the aid. The deadline for applications is the   retail stores,” said Alexey Chernikov of NIS.   MOL, as well as storage contracts with
       end of February.                                                         the Agency for Hydrocarbons, MOL and
                                           Average age of vehicles
       Bulgargaz proposes 30%              registered for Turkish roads 14.8  Italian PM Meloni travels to

       decrease of natural gas price for   years says TUIK                      Algeria to sign landmark gas

       February                            The average age of the 26.5mn motor

       Bulgaria’s state-owned gas supplier   vehicles registered for road use in Turkey   deal
       Bulgargaz has proposed a 30% decrease   was 14.8 years by the end of 2022, data from   Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni
       of the price of natural gas for February, at   the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK, or   completed a two-day visit to Algeria on
       around BGN130 (€66.5) per MWh without   TurkStat) shows.                 January 24. This is her first official trip

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   02•February•2023
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