Page 15 - EurOil Week 05 2023
P. 15

EurOil                                  ENERGY TRANSITION                                             EurOil

       Equinor, Var Energi abandon Barents Blue

       ammonia project in Norway

        NORWAY           NORWEGIAN  oil firms Equinor and Var  “However, after thorough assessment of the pro-
                         Energy have opted against further involvement  ject and our overall portfolio, we have concluded
       Var Energi and Equinor   in Horisont Energi’s Barents Blue ammonia pro-  that it is no longer appropriate to proceed with
       have been replaced as   ject, allowing a cooperation agreement on the  the Barents Blue concept.”
       partners in the blue   scheme to lapse at the end of January.  Instead, Var Energi has determined that
       ammonia project by   Due to be located in Finnmark in north Nor-  developing gas at Goliat and Alke, as well as the
       Spain’s Fertiberia.  way, Barents Blue is set to be Europe’s largest blue  Lupa field, “will require an export solution with
                         ammonia project. It will use Barents Sea gas to  greater capacity than what we deem relative
                         produce ammonia, while the CO2 released dur-  within the scope of the project.” Cooperation
                         ing the process will be captured and stored under  with other operators in the region will be key to
                         the seabed. Its first train alone is expected to pro-  unlocking this potential.
                         duce 1mn tonnes of blue ammonia per year.  Equinor did not specify why it was abandon-
                           Equinor and Var Energi joined the project in  ing Barents Blue, but it did say that it “remains
                         2021, but have chosen not to continue. Instead,  positive to explore gas supply solutions” from its
                         Horisont has tapped Spanish ammonia producer  Hammerfest LNG complex on the shore of the
                         Fertiberia as a replacement partner, with each  Barents Sea to the project. It also said it was leav-
                         company due to have a 50% interest each.  ing the Polaris project, which was due to store
                           Horisont thanked Equinor and Var Energi for  CO2 from Barents Blue.
                         advancing the project so far, and said Fertiberia   Horisont noted that it was not in danger of
                         provided “significant experience” of developing  losing the NOK482mn ($48.3mn) grant that
                         ammonia plants on an industrial scale.  had been provided to Barents Blue under the
                           Var Energi was forthcoming on its reasons  EU IPCEI hydrogen programme as a result
                         not for continuing with Barents Blue, stating it  of the change in partners. The company will
                         had looked at various options for developing  invite partners to the Polaris project as well, it
                         gas resources at the Alke and Goliat fields west  said, including a qualified operator to replace
                         of Hammerfest, but decided that the project was  Equinor.
                         not the solution.                      “A new licence group will bring the project
                           “We have great faith in the Barents Sea  forward to a submission of plan for develop-
                         as a petroleum province,” the company said.  ment,” it said. ™

       Week 05   02•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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