Page 12 - EurOil Week 05 2023
P. 12

EurOil                                         INVESTMENT                                              EurOil

                           It produces 1.6mn tonnes/year of naphtha for  sold to a JV set up by Socar, Turkish conglomer-
                         Petkim along with 1.6mn tonnes/year  of jet fuel,  ate Aksoy Holding’s Turcas Petrol (TRCAS) and
                         4.8mn tonnes/year of diesel fuel, 700,000 tonnes/  Saudi Arabia’s Injaz.
                         year of petroleum coke, 420,000 tonnes/year of   In 2012, Socar bought Turcas’ indirect stake
                         mixed xylene, 480,000 tonnes/year of reformate  in Petkim. In 2014, Turcas also sold its take in
                         and 160,000 tonnes/year of sulphur.  STAR Refinery to Socar.
                           Turkey has two oil refiners. Tupras (TUPRS),   In 2015, Socar sold a 13% stake in Socar Tur-
                         a unit of Koc Holding (KCHOL), is STAR’s sole  key to Goldman Sachs (New York/GS).
                         domestic peer. It has an annual production   In 2021, Goldman Sachs exercised a $1.3bn
                         capacity of 30mn tonnes.             put option (right to sell) for its stake in Socar
                           Petkim, launched in 1965 by Turkey’s state-  Turkey. As a result, Socar is currently the sole
                         owned Turkish Petroleum Corporation (TPAO)  owner of Socar Turkey.
                         as a state-owned enterprise (SOE), produces   Also in 2021, Goldman exercised a $300mn
                         ethylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and  put option for its 30% stake in Petlim, Petkim’s
                         polypropylene.                       integrated port on the Aegean. Petkim holds the
                           In 1990, a 4% stake in Petkim was sold in an  remaining 70% in Petlim.
                         initial public offering (IPO). In 2005, another   Socar Turkey also operates two natural
                         38% stake was sold in a secondary public offer-  gas grids in Bursa and Kayseri along with
                         ing (SPO).                           the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline
                           In 2008, a 51% majority stake in Petkim was  (TANAP). ™

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