Page 9 - EurOil Week 05 2023
P. 9

EurOil                                PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       History made as Mozambique delivers

       first LNG cargo to Croatia

        CROATIA          MOZAMBIQUE has made its first liquefied nat-  Sul offshore facility operated by Italy’s Eni in
                         ural gas (LNG) shipment to Croatia, two months  mid-November 2022. It is the smallest of three
       This comes two months   after the southeastern African nation started  LNG projects earmarked for the same field,
       after Mozambique   exporting the fuel.                 Rovuma Basin, off Mozambique’s northern
       started exporting the   State-owned LNG Croatia said in a state-  coast.  A partnership led by TotalEnergies
       fuel.             ment that a vessel, British Mentor, had docked  (France) may soon resume development of its
                         on Monday, January 23 at its UPP Terminal.   $20bn, 13mn tpy onshore project after it halted
                           “What is especially interesting about the  work in early 2021 following an attack by Isla-
                         arrival of this ship is the fact that it is transport-  mist militants at a nearby town. ExxonMo-
                         ing LNG from Mozambique, which means that  bil (US) has on several occasions postponed
                         this is the first time [the] terminal has acquired  taking a final investment decision (FID) on
                         LNG from that part of Africa,” the LNG regasifi-  its $30bn, 15mn tpy project due to a number
                         cation firm said in a release on Monday.  of factors, including the five-year insurgency
                           The 2019-built 173,400 cubic metre vessel  that has displaced up to 800,000 people and
                         was carrying 140,000 cubic metres of LNG,  resulted in more than 4,000 deaths, mostly of
                         reports say.                         civilians.
                           Mozambique exported its first LNG cargo   All production from Coral Sul will be
                         from the 3.4mn tonne per year (tpy) Coral  bought by BP. ™

       Week 05   02•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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