Page 8 - EurOil Week 05 2023
P. 8

EurOil                                 PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           EurOil

       Oman LNG signs deal with Botas to supply

       LNG beginning in 2025

        OMAN             OMAN LNG announced on January 30 that it   Oman LNG is 51% owned by the Oman
                         has reached a deal with Turkey’s state-owned  government, 30% by Shell, 5.4% by Total, 5% by
       The deal will last for 10   energy company Botas to supply 1mn tonnes per  Kogas, with Japanese and Omani firms holding
       years.            year (tpy) of LNG beginning in 2025. The deal  stakes of under 3%. ™
                         will last for 10 years.
                           The agreement marks the latest LNG supply
                         deal for Oman LNG. On January it revealed that
                         it had signed deals to supply a combined 1.6mn
                         tpy of LNG to Thai PTT and France’s TotalEner-
                         gies. The contract with PTT runs for nine years
                         starting in 2026, while the deal with TotalEner-
                         gies begins in 2025 and lasts for 10 years.
                           It has been a busy month for Oman LNG,
                         with the company also reaching an agreement
                         with Shell to supply 0.8mn tpy of LNG on Jan-
                         uary 10. The deal also runs for 10 years starting
                         in 2025.
                           In late December, Oman LNG also signed a
                         binding agreement to provide a total of 2.35mn
                         tpy of LNG to Itochu Corporation, Jera, and Mit-
                         sui & Co. The deliveries will commence in 2025.

       Turkey gas summit to bring together supplier

       countries and Europe’s consumer countries

        TURKEY           TURKEY is to hold a natural gas summit on  Putin proposed setting up just such a gas hub
                         February 14-15 that will bring together gas sup-  in Turkey following mysterious explosions that
       In October, Russia   plier countries and Europe’s consumer countries,  severely damaged Russia’s Nord Stream gas
       proposed establishing   Turkish Energy Minister Fatih Donmez said on  pipelines under the Baltic Sea. He said the hub
       Turkey as a hub for its   January 30.                  could benefit from having the right to engage in
       gas supply.         “We will bring together supplier countries  price-setting.
                         from the Middle East, Mediterranean, Caspian   However, if any such hub is set up in Turkey
                         and Middle Asia with consumer countries from  there will be concerns among those applying
                         Europe,” Donmez said of the event, scheduled  Ukraine war sanctions to Russian gas sup-
                         for Istanbul.                        plies that there could be disguised Russian gas
                           Turkey is almost entirely dependent on  shipments transiting out of the hub to their
                         imports for gas, but gas supplies from Russia,  markets.
                         Azerbaijan and Iran, as well as liquefied natural   “Our target is to bring together supplier and
                         gas (LNG) imports from Qatar, the US, Nigeria  consumer countries and become the gas-trad-
                         and Algeria enter its pipelines and ports, thus  ing centre where the benchmark price of gas is
                         Ankara has ambitions of the country becoming  set,” Reuters reported Donmez as saying after
                         a gas supply hub.                    he separately announced a 10-year gas deal with
                           In October, Russia’s President Vladimir  Oman. ™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   02•February•2023
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