Page 15 - FSU OGM Week 26
P. 15

FSUOGM                                PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Russian producers team up to target

       hard-to-recover reserves

        RUSSIA           RUSSIAN oil producers Gazprom Neft, Lukoil  technological challenges involved in developing
                         and Tatneft have teamed up to develop hard-  hard-to-recover hydrocarbons,” Gazprom Neft’s
       Gazprom Neft,     to-recover reserves in Russia’s Orenburg region  deputy CEO for upstream operations, Vadim
       Lukoil and Tatneft   bordering Kazakhstan.             Yakovlev, commented.
       are combined their   The companies have formed a joint venture   Russian oil producers are having to turn to
       expertise to develop   for the project, known as New Oil Production  increasingly challenging oil and gas projects for
       challenging projects.  Technologies, which has rights to the Savitsky  new sources of production, as easier-to-develop
                         and Zhuravlevsky licence blocks. Each partner  fields reach maturity and then depletion. Gaz-
                         has a one-third stake in the venture.  prom Neft, Lukoil and Tatneft are all struggling
                           The drilling of a first appraisal well at the  with flagging output levels at key projects in
                         900-square km Savitsky block is nearing com-  Russia’s older Volga-Urals and Western Siberian
                         pletion, Gazprom Neft said in a statement on  basins. But offsetting this decline will be less of
                         June 29. The plan is to drill six such wells, with  a priority as long as Russia remains a part of the
                         horizontal sections. The partners will also  OPEC+ deal, under which it has committed to
                         undertake geophysical studies, having already  making unprecedented cuts to supply over the
                         acquired 880 square km of 3D seismic data at  next two years.
                         the site.
                           The 120-square km Zhuravlevsky block is  Gazprom Neft goes deeper
                         adjacent to Savitsky and contains the Zhurav-  In other news, Gazprom Neft said on June 30 it
                         levskoye oilfield, discovered in 1965 but currently  had obtained licences to explore deeper zones at
                         mothballed. Its in-place reserves are estimated at  four of its oilfields in the Yamalo-Nenets region
                         2.5mn tonnes (18.3mn barrels), and potentially  of Western Siberia.
                         some more hard-to-recover resources.   The fields – Vyngapurovskoye, Sugmutskoye,
                           The work at Zhuralevsky will run between  Sredne-Iturskoye and North-Yangtinskoye –
                         2020 and 2023 and will entail the collection of  may contain more than 102mn tonnes (748mn
                         118 square km of 3D seismic data and the drill-  barrels) of oil in these strata, Gazprom Neft said
                         ing of a prospecting well targeting conventional  in a statement on June 30. The biggest potential is
                         reserves. A second well will be drilled with the  in Achimov layers at the Sugmutskoye and Vyn-
                         aim of tapping into hard-to-recover reserves.  gapurovskoye fields, it said, where up to 80mn
                           Trial development of both sites is due to com-  tonnes of oil could be recovered.
                         mence in 2024, Gazprom Neft said.      Gazprom Neft has received seven-year
                           “This new joint venture will be the first such  licences for the fields. It will approve an explo-
                         example in Russia of three leading vertically  ration plan involving seismic surveys and explo-
                         integrated oil companies bring together their  ration and appraisal drilling, in the near future,
                         resources and skills to address the complex  it said.™

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