Page 16 - FSU OGM Week 26
P. 16

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Russian investors plan 1.5 GW

       Uzbek gas power plant

        UZBEKISTAN       A Russian investment vehicle involved in devel-  together with the government of Uzbekistan
                         oping a large-sized gas field in southern Uzbek-  we will be able to sign binding agreements and
       The plant will run on   istan has signed a preliminary deal to build a  launch the project with the support of leading
       gas from a major field   1,500-MW gas-fired power plant at the site.  Russian banks such as VTB and Gazprombank.”
       in the south of the   Cyprus-registered Altmax, part-owned by   Filatov did not disclose a timeframe for the
       country.          Russian billionaire Andrey Filatov, has signed a  study’s completion.
                         memorandum on the project with Uzbekistan’s   M25 was assessed by its developers in 2017 as
                         energy ministry, TASS and other Russian news  holding over 100bn cubic metres of recoverable
                         agencies reported on June 24.        gas. Filatov bought into the project late that year,
                           The combined heat and power plant (CHPP)  with his Cyprus-registered Brighttree Holding
                         will cost $1.8bn and will be built at the 25 Years  vehicle taking a 50% stake of Altmax, which in
                         of Independence (M25) gas field in the Sur-  turn has a 75% interest in the field. NewsBase
                         khandarya region. Altmax is part of a consor-  understands that the remaining 50% of Altmax
                         tium that entered into a production-sharing  is controlled by Bakhtiyor Fazylov, who is also
                         agreement (PSA) to exploit M25 in 2018. Its  chairman of Russian oilfield services concern
                         partners are Gas Project Development Central  Eriell. Eriell has been hired to drill wells at M25.
                         Asia, a joint venture between Russia’s Gazprom   Appraisal work is still underway, although
                         and its financial arm Gazprombank, and a sub-  the field is expected to yield 2 bcm per year of
                         sidiary of Uzbekistan’s national gas company  gas initially and then 4 bcm after further devel-
                         Uzbekneftegaz.                       opment. The project’s investors have also talked
                           In a statement shared with media, Filatov said  of building a gas processing and petrochemical
                         that Russian lenders VTB and Gazprombank  complex at a cost of $3bn.
                         were interested in investing in the CHPP project.  Uzbekistan projects that its energy demand
                           “The construction of additional energy  will double by 2030, and the government aims to
                         capacities is necessary not only for the develop-  match this growth by expanding its generation
                         ment of local industry and agriculture, but also  capacity from 12.9 to 29.3 GW. As part of this
                         has serious export prospects: Afghanistan is  plan, 15.6 GW of mostly gas-fired TPP capacity
                         located nearby, which, obviously, as civilian life  will either be constructed or modernised, while
                         is restored, will need electricity,” he explained. “I  6.4 GW of older capacity will be decommis-
                         hope that once the feasibility study is completed,  sioned. ™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   01•July•2020
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