Page 10 - DMEA Week 04 2021
P. 10
Total CEO, Mozambican president
discuss security
MOZAMBIQUE FILIPE Nyusi, the president of Mozambique, to gain control of Cabo Delgado. The country’s
met with Patrick Pouyanné, the chairman and armed forces, known as Forças Armadas de Def-
The Mozambique LNG CEO of France’s Total last week to discuss secu- esa de Moçambique (FADM), are trying to repel
construction site needs rity conditions in the northern Cabo Delgado this campaign but have had mixed results.
stronger security, the province. Total is building a gas liquefaction Meanwhile, the Islamist group has conducted
two men agreed. plant on Cabo Delgado’s Afungi Peninsula a number of attacks in the vicinity of the Mozam-
within the framework of the Mozambique LNG bique LNG construction site. Earlier this month,
project. for example, ASWJ troops attempted to infiltrate
According to Nyusi’s press service, the Quitunda, a nearby resettlement site for people
two men agreed that the Mozambique LNG displaced by the project, in advance of an attack.
construction site needed stronger security That incident led Total to evacuate some work-
arrangements. They also backed calls for the ers from the Afungi Peninsula, citing security
development and introduction of security strat- considerations.
egies that would not disrupt the implementation Total serves as the operator of the Mozam-
of the project, which encompasses the extrac- bique LNG consortium, and its wholly owned
tion of natural gas from Total’s offshore acreage, subsidiary Total E&P Mozambique Area 1 oper-
known as Area 1, and the processing of that gas ates Mozambique LNG with a 26.5% participat-
into LNG at an onshore complex. ing interest alongside ENH Rovuma Área 1, S.A.
As of press time, it was not clear whether (15%), Mitsui E&P Mozambique Area1 Limited
Nyusi and Pouyanné had mentioned any spe- (20%), ONGC Videsh Rovuma Limited (10%),
cific changes that might be made at Mozam- Beas Rovuma Energy Mozambique Limited
bique LNG. The presidential press service noted, (10%), BPRL Ventures Mozambique B.V. (10%)
though, that Defence Minister Jaime Neto, Inte- and PTTEP Mozambique Area 1 Limited (8.5%).
rior Minister Amade Miquidade and Mineral The partners hope to begin gas production at
Resources and Energy Minister Max Tonela Area 1, which lies offshore within the Rovuma
accompanied Nyusi to the meeting. basin, in 2024. They are then due to bring the
Total and its partners in the Mozambique first train of their LNG plant online around
LNG project have faced difficulties in recent the same time. This facility will eventually have
months, as an Islamist group known as Ahlu two production trains, each with a capacity of
Sunnah wa-Jamo (ASWJ) has stepped up efforts 6.44mn tpy.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 04 28•January•2021