Page 10 - GLNG Week 14 2022
P. 10
TotalEnergies, Sempra Infrastructure sign
MoU on plans for Vista Pacífico LNG
PROJECTS & FRANCE’S TotalEnergies has signed a memo- Pouyanné, the French company’s chairman and
COMPANIES randum of understanding (MoU) with Sempra CEO. “We are pleased to further strengthen our
Infrastructure, a subsidiary of US-based Sem- partnership with Sempra in North America in
pra, on the purchase of a share of future pro- LNG and to extend it to renewables,” he said.
duction from Vista Pacífico LNG, a plant that “Over the past years, TotalEnergies has become
the latter company intends to build on Mexico’s the leading exporter of US LNG and has built up
west coast. The memorandum also states that a pipeline of 4 GW of solar projects and 3 GW
the French company may acquire a minority of offshore wind projects currently under devel-
share in the plant, Sempra said in a statement opment in the US. This new step in our collabo-
dated March 31. ration allows us to go further in our ambition to
According to the statement, the document offer our customers sustainable, affordable and
was one of two non-binding MoUs that TotalEn- reliable energy, in line with our transformation
ergies and Sempra finalised in late March as part into a global multi-energy company.”
of a wider effort to expand the scope of their Jeffrey Martin, chairman and CEO of Sem-
strategic alliance in North America. The other pra, also stressed the importance of integrating
MoU covers “a proposed offshore wind project LNG with renewable energy. “With last week’s
in California under development by TotalEn- energy accord between the US and European Vista Pacífico
ergies, as well as other renewable energy and Commission, alliances between some of the
energy storage projects under development by leading energy companies like TotalEner- LNG is slated to
Sempra Infrastructure in Northern Mexico,” it gies and Sempra are increasingly important
explained. to transatlantic trade and energy security,” he be a mid-scale
Sempra did not divulge the projected value commented. “We own one of the largest energy
of the Vista Pacífico LNG deal or say how large a networks in North America, and by collabo- gas liquefaction
stake the French major might take in the gas liq- rating with TotalEnergies to create additional plant and LNG
uefaction plant, which is slated for construction scale advantages in LNG and renewable energy,
in the port of Topolobampo. However, it did note our customers benefit from having access to export terminal at
that TotalEnergies was looking to contract for cleaner and more affordable energy options and
about a third of the facility’s future LNG output. improved security of supply.” Topolobampo.
The French giant is not the only other com- Vista Pacífico LNG is slated to be a mid-scale
pany to express interest in Vista Pacífico LNG. gas liquefaction plant and LNG export terminal
In January of this year, Sempra Infrastructure at Topolobampo in Sinaloa State. It will pro-
signed a non-binding agreement with Mexico’s cess gas produced in the US Permian basin and
national power provider, the Federal Electricity imported into Mexico via pipeline, and it will
Commission (CFE), on potential joint develop- deliver gas to export markets in South America,
ment of this scheme. Europe and Asia, as well as certain isolated sec-
In the meantime, TotalEnergies sees Vista tions of the Mexican domestic market. Accord-
Pacífico LNG, along with the other projects ing to previous reports, the plant will be able to
mentioned in the two MoUs, as an asset to produce and export about 4mn tonnes per year
its business in North America, said Patrick (tpy) of LNG.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 14 08•April•2022