Page 9 - GLNG Week 14 2022
P. 9

GLNG                                           AMERICAS                                               GLNG

       EDP receives first LNG shipment in El

       Salvador via ship-to-ship transfer

        PROJECTS &       BW LNG, a subsidiary of Singapore-based  first vessel of its kind to be deployed in Central
        COMPANIES        BW Group, reported earlier this week that the  America.
                         Energía del Pacífico (EDP) joint venture had   BW LNG is a shareholder in the EDP joint
                         received its first shipment of LNG via ship-to-  venture, which was formed to operate the FSRU;
                         ship (STS) transfer in El Salvador.  the other partner in the venture is Invenergy
                           The company revealed via social media posts  (US). EDP will pump regasified LNG to shore via   EDP will pump
                         that the transfer took place on April 1, when the  a 2-km pipeline so that it can be used as fuel for
                         BW Tatiana floating storage and regasification  a 378-MW thermal power plant (TPP) that the   regasified LNG
                         unit (FSRU) completed the STS operation near  joint venture has been building in Acajutla. The
                         the port of Acajutla. It said that EDP had moved  total cost of establishing the system that includes   to shore via a
                         125,000 cubic metres of LNG from the Bilbao  the FSRU, the pipeline and the TPP has been esti-
                         Knutsen, a Spanish-flagged tanker owned by  mated at $1bn, making it the biggest private-sec-  2-km pipeline
                         Norway’s Knutsen, to the FSRU.       tor investment initiative in El Salvador.  so that it can be
                           BW LNG described the transfer as a “mile-  Eventually the TPP will be able to turn out
                         stone operation” and thanked all of the crew  enough electricity to cover around 30% of El   used as fuel for a
                         members involved in the process.     Salvador’s demand. It will also be connected to
                           The company did not provide any further  the Central American Electrical Interconnec- 378-MW thermal
                         information about the LNG delivery. But LNG  tion System (known as CAIES), which links the
                         Prime said, citing the Bilbao Knutsen’s AIS data  power grids of El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicara-  power plant.
                         as reported by VesselsValue, that the LNG loaded  gua, Honduras, Costa Rica and Panama via a
                         into the 137,000 cubic metre FSRU had been  230-kV transmission line.
                         produced by the Atlantic LNG plant in Port For-  EDP has pointed out that the LNG-to-power
                         tin, Trinidad and Tobago.            project will help El Salvador reduce its carbon
                           The BW Tatiana is a converted LNG car-  footprint by expanding domestic natural gas
                         rier formerly known as the Gallina and previ-  consumption. The joint venture’s new gas-fired
                         ously owned by Shell (UK). The FSRU is able to  TPP is slated to replace older power stations that
                         regasify LNG at the rate of up to 280mn cubic  burn a dirtier type of petroleum-based fuel –
                         feet (7.93mn cubic metres) per day and is the  namely, residual fuel oil.™

       Week 14   08•April•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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