Page 19 - FSUOGM Week 25 2021
P. 19

FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

       was signed by Bukhara Oil Refinery and   the Central Asian countries Kyrgyzstan,   in the republic last year. Production of
       Honeywell in July 2020.             Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, which have   gasoline amounted to 1.016mn tons, diesel
         Uzbekistan’s three refineries, Bukhara,   modest oil reserves, have not been able to   fuel-0.931mn tons.
       Ferghana and Altyaryk, have a combined   meet growing demand for oil products.   Uzbekistan imported more than 602,000
       capacity of around 10mn tonnes/year, and   They are thus forced to import fuel from   tonnes of diesel fuel, about 77,000 tonnes of
       are currently half-loaded.          Russia and other countries.          gasoline and about 20,000 tonnes of jet fuel
         Since the collapse of the Soviet Union,   Uzbekistan, which is rich in gas reserves,   from Russia in 2020. Last year, the country
       the Central Asian countries Kyrgyzstan,   has been trying to use its gas advantage to   also received 87,700 tonnes of diesel
       Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, which have   satisfy demand for oil with products derived  fuel and 75,900 tonnes of gasoline from
       modest oil reserves, have not been able   from gas feedstock instead.    Kazakhstan, according to railway statistics.
       to meet growing domestic demand for oil   "The products of the GTL plant will   Uzbekneftegaz GTL notes the low sulfur
       products. They are thus forced to import   be of strategic importance, especially in   content in synthetic diesel fuel, which is
       fuel from Russia and other countries.  terms of ensuring and maintaining the fuel   expected to meet the standards of Euro-5,
         According to Uzbekistan’s statistical   and energy independence of Uzbekistan   Euro6 and EN 15940/K5.
       committee, some 2.142mn tons of oil and   [and] with the start of production at the   Diesel fuel, according to plans, will be
       gas condensate, as well as 49.739bn cubic   GTL plant, the import of diesel fuel and   produced at marketable quality for direct
       meters of natural gas, were produced in the   jet fuel to the republic will be significantly   sale. Uzbekneftegaz GTL said that the
       republic last year. Production of gasoline   reduced," Uzbekneftegaz GTL told Reuters.  product reduces emissions of pollutants by
       amounted to 1.016mn tonnes and diesel fuel   The $3.61bn Uzbekneftegaz GTL plant is   up to 70% compared to standard diesel fuel
       output was 0.931mn tonnes.          100% owned by state-owned Uzbekneftegaz.   based on oil and helps to reduce deposits in
         Uzbekistan imported more than 602,000   The company estimated the overall project   the engine.
       tonnes of diesel fuel, about 77,000 tonnes   readiness at 96%.             The synthetic kerosene produced by
       of gasoline and around 20,000 tonnes of   The annual processing capacity of   Uzbekneftegaz GTL will be mixed with jet
       jet fuel from Russia in 2020. Last year,   the complex is 3.6bn cubic meters of gas   kerosene, which is produced at another
       Uzbekistan received 87,700 tonnes of diesel   with the production of 307,000 tons of   plant in the country, the Bukhara Refinery.
       fuel and 75,900 tonnes of gasoline from   kerosene, 724,000 tons of synthetic diesel   After the expansion of the Shurtan gas
       Kazakhstan, according to railway statistics.  fuel, 437,000 tons of synthetic naphtha and   chemical complex, the naphtha produced by
                                           53,000 tons of liquefied gas, according to   GTL will be sent to the GCF to increase the
                                           the plant.                           production of polymer products.
       Uzbekistan to launch gas-           demand, Uzbekneftegaz is aiming to   product (the paraffin content is 98%),
                                                                                  GTL naphtha, being a highly paraffinic
                                              In addition to satisfying domestic
       to-liquids plant within             export products to the markets of the CIS   practically does not contain aromatic
                                           countries, Asia and far abroad.
                                                                                hydrocarbons or sulfur and is a raw material
       months                              company Uzbekneftegaz, the Fund for   for cracking ethylene.
                                              The project is financed by the state
                                                                                  The plant has signed contracts for the
       Uzbekistan is set to launch its first gas-  Reconstruction and Development of   storage of petroleum products with 15 oil
       to-liquids (GTL) plant in the second   Uzbekistan, the Chinese Development   depots of Uzbekneftegaz in all regions of the
       half of this year, project contractor Enter   Bank, the Export-Import Bank of Korea, the   country.
       Engineering told Reuters on June 9.  Korean Trade and Insurance Corporation,   The GTL synthetic liquid fuel production
         The $3.6bn plant, originally expected   Gazprombank, Roseximbank, the Russian   complex consists of 4 main plants: synthesis
       to be launched within 2020, will allow the   Agency for Export Credit and Investment   gas production, synthesis liquid production,
       Central Asian nation to use its plentiful   Insurance, Credit Suisse, MUFG, Mizuho,   energy supply and product refinement.
       natural gas reserves to produce more fuels   Woori Bank and SMBC.
       such as diesel which it currently imports   According to the State Statistics
       due to declining crude oil output and   Committee of Uzbekistan, 2.142mn tonnes
       insufficient refinery capacity.     of oil and gas condensate and 49.739bn
         Since the collapse of the Soviet Union,   cubic metres of natural gas were produced

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