Page 16 - FSUOGM Week 25 2021
P. 16

FSUOGM                                 PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                         FSUOGM

       Head of Tatneft discusses plans

       to resume work in Libya

        LIBYA            NAIL Maganov, the CEO of Tatneft (Russia),  Tatneft’s expertise in the areas of refining, man-
                         met with representatives of Libya’s National Oil  ufacturing and renewable energy projects. The
       Nail Maganov, the CEO   Corp. (NOC) last week to discuss his company’s  Russian company’s experience in renewables
       of Tatneft (Russia), met   plans for resuming work at fields in the North  could help Libya achieve its goal of using alter-
       with representatives   African state.                  native energies to power oil and gas operations,
       of Libya’s National   During a meeting with Mustafa Sanalla,  he said.
       Oil Corp. (NOC) last   the chairman of NOC, Maganov indicated   Tatneft is based in the Russian internal repub-
       week to discuss his   that Tatneft was eager to move ahead with the  lic of Tatarstan and is controlled by the admin-
       company’s plans for   exploration of its fields in the Sirte and Ghad-  istration of the republic. The firm obtained a
       resuming work at fields   ames basins. The Russian company is ready  concession for a field in the Ghadames basin,
       in the North African   to join forces with NOC on these projects, he  which is believed to contain more than 3.5bn
       state.            said, according to a report from Petroleum  barrels of oil in recoverable reserves, in 2005.
                         Africa.                              It then signed production-sharing agreements
                           The two sides do not appear to have made  (PSAs) for three more fields in the Ghadames
                         any concrete plans for upstream operations  and Sirte basins in 2006.
                         yet. However, Maganov and Sanalla did discuss   After carrying out some exploration work at
                         plans for co-operation on several fronts, includ-  these fields, the company suspended its activi-
                         ing capacity-building and training. The Tatneft   ties in 2011, pending a resolution of the Libyan
                         head said that his company was willing to con-  civil war. It attempted to return in 2014 so that it
                         vene workshops at the Oil Institute for Rehabili-  could collect seismic data from a 200-square km
                         tation and Training in Tripoli. He noted that the  area in Ghadames but soon departed because
                         workshops would allow NOC’s engineers and  of a deterioration in security conditions. Sub-
                         technicians to learn from Tatneft’s experience  sequent attempts to resume exploration work
                         in multiple areas – including dual production,  do not appear to have made much headway.
                         which involves the extraction of hydrocarbons  Nevertheless, Tatneft representatives have said
                         from multiple formations via a single well.  repeatedly that the company is committed to
                           The NOC chief also expressed interest in  remaining active in Libya. ™

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