Page 14 - DMEA Week 30 2022
P. 14
products and that is static at the moment waiting for crude from President Buhari since President Buhari can give it crude oil to refine.
and based on this, our naira will continue NNPC cannot give it crude. The first phase I want to draw Chief Sylva antention
to be devalued, because so much dollars are will produce 1,000 bpd, while the second to Edo modular refinery initiative which
just being deployed in pursuing products. phase will produce 6,000 bpd; with a long- will promote availability of petroleum
The products we buy here in Nigeria are term goal of producing 60,000 bpd. products in the country, conserve foreign
purchased in naira, and not in dollar; but we Phase one - which is completed - will exchange utilisation for the importation of
use the dollar to make payment for imported target a production ratio comprising 55% petroleum products, promote socio-economic
products. diesel, 38% fuel oil and less than 10% naphtha. development in order to stop restiveness,
I do not understand the delay in providing ‘Some of the products will be exported to criminal and illegal refinery activities thereby
crude oil to Edo modular refinery to start boost foreign exchange earnings and by the sustaining peaceful co-existence in the Niger
operation. The project has been completed. time the refinery extends it into different Delta and mitigate environmental degradation
I want to appeal to President Buhari to as phases, it would be able to take care of more associated with illegal refinery activities,
matter of urgency provide crude oil to Edo than 80% of diesel requirement in Nigeria. crude oil theft and pipelines vandalism, then
modular refinery to enable it start operation. The investment will benefit the Edo people Nigerians are on their way to the Promised
Edo modular refinery is ready and waiting through job creation, increased revenue and Land.
for crude oil from Nigerian Petroleum ease of pressure on other refineries. Edo modular refinery has adequate
Development Company (NPDC) facility - oil The goal of modularization in the oil refining capacity and meet all the criteria,
mining lease (OML) 111 NNPC to starting and gas market is to reduce capital costs, hence the opportunities for modular refineries
operation. There is no explanation from accelerate delivery schedules, and to because they are simple, fast to start up
NNPC for its delay to provide crude oil to Edo efficiently minimize field construction, and usually operating at optimal capacity.
modular refinery. I am appealing to President thereby ensuring every project is on schedule, In theory, this is an advantage over larger
Buhari to provide crude oil to Edo modular budget, and scope. Edo modular refinery has refineries. It can also commence production
refinery since NNPC cannot perform its been waiting since July, 2021 to commence with a small capacity of 5,000BPSD or
function. Edo modular refinery, Ologbo is operation and NNPC has refused to supply 10,000BPSD, and grow its capacity over time
very close (OML) 111 yet it cannot get crude crude oil to Edo modular refinery. This is by adding more modules.
oil to start its production. Edo modular a key legacy project by the Gov. Godwin As part of its strategy to reposition the oil
refinery needs crude before it becomes an Obaseki-led administration to recalibrate and gas industry, President Buhari in 2016
abandon project because NNPC cannot give the state’s industrial base, birthed through launched a roadmap of short and medium-
it crude oil to refine. I see it as an attempt to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). term priorities aimed at developing a stable
frustrate Governor Obaseki. Nigeria is an oil Godwin Obaseki, governor of Edo state, said and enabling the oil and gas landscape with
producing country yet NNPC cannot give in July, 2021 that the modular refinery located improved transparency, efficiency, stable
Edo modular refinery crude to refine. It is in Ologbo, Ikpoba-Okha LGA, is ready for investment climate and a well-protected
difficult to believe that in this era of subsidy production. The refinery was developed by environment tagged ‘7big wins’. The fourth
payment, NNPC cannot provide crude oil for two Chinese firms: AIPCC Energy Limited initiative in the roadmap, ‘Refineries and local
Edo modular refinery to start operation. My and Peiyang Chemical Equipment Company production capacity’ seeks to transit Nigeria
special appeal to President Buhari is to give Limited. It has a capacity of 6,000 barrels per from being an import-dependent nation into
crude oil to Edo modular refinery at Ologbo day and it is expected to produce 50 percent of a net exporter of refined petroleum products
to start its operation. diesel (500,000 litres), 25 percent of naphtha through the modular refineries as vehicle.
If President Buhari can give crude oil to (300,000 litres) and 20 percent of fuel oil This is seen as one of the ways and means
Edo modular refinery now, Edo Modular (200,000 litres) from its feedstock. of tackling non-availability of petroleum
refinery will increase petrol products to 60,000 With President Buhari’s instruction to products. This much was evidenced when
bpd. The project has been developed by two DPR and the Nigerian National Petroleum President Buhari performed the virtual
Chinese firms; AIPCC Energy Limited and Corporation, NNPC, to provide all necessary inauguration of the National Oil and Gas
the Peiyang Chemical Equipment Company support in securing oil and condensate Excellence Centre on January 21, this year.
Limited. Governor Obaseki has developed feedstock for the Edo modular refinery, One of the issues he spoke about was modular
keen interest in this project. Edo is the only there are expectations that the project will refinery.
state that can boast of two modular refineries be a success. Edo Modular Energy refinery NIGERIAN OBSERVER
that cannot get crude oil from NNPC TO is set to increase crude oil production from
REFINE. Operations have commenced and 6,000 barrels per day (bpd) to 60,000 bpd if
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 28•July•2022