Page 12 - DMEA Week 30 2022
P. 12
Chevron considering
Israel link for Cypriot gas
EAST MED US major Chevron is considering field develop- a floating storage regasification unit (FSRU)
ment and resource export options for its Aph- and a liquefaction facility at the Cypriot port of
rodite gas field offshore Cyprus, one of which Vasilikos, a joint statement said that the parties
would entail piping it to subsea facilities in Israel would focus on “synergies with other facilities in
for onward export. the region”, highlighting options to connect the
The US firm’s head of Middle East & Africa asset to infrastructure in Egypt or Israel.
E&P, Clay Neff, held talks with Cypriot Minister The Egyptian options would entail either a
of Energy Natasa Pilides and Annita Demetriou, new dedicated pipeline directly to the Egyptian
President of the House of Representatives, with coast or to the offshore Zohr gas field, operated
the parties outlining their intentions for “mutu- by Italian firm Eni.
ally beneficial co-operation in viably and effi- Meanwhile, Aphrodite lies just 30 km from
ciently developing Aphrodite”. Israel’s Leviathan gas field – also operated by
Aphrodite was discovered in 2011 and holds Chevron alongside NewMed – which is already
around 3.5 trillion cubic feet (99bn cubic metres) tied back to midstream facilities.
of contingent gas resources, with another 1 tril- In either case, the aim will be to leverage
lion cubic feet (28bcm) considered as potential Egyptian liquefaction capacity at the Damietta
resource upside. and Idku plants, the latter of which is operated
The field is located in the island nation’s off- by Shell.
shore Block 12 concession, in which Chevron The talks come as the partners prepare to kick
holds a stake of 35% with Shell (35%), with off drilling the A-3 appraisal/development well
NewMed Energy (formerly Delek, 30%) holding at the field, with industry reports suggesting that
the remainder. the Stena Forth drillship will be used, having pre-
While there may yet be hope for plans for viously carried out work at Leviathan.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 28•July•2022