Page 11 - DMEA Week 30 2022
P. 11

DMEA                                           PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       PCM starts exporting oil from

       southern Chad via Cameroon

        AFRICA           PETROCHAD Mangara (PCM) has announced  communities.
                         that it has begun exporting crude oil via the   Perenco became the owner of a 100% stake
                         Chad-Cameroon pipeline after resuming pro-  in PCM through the acquisition of a 100% stake
                         duction at two fields in the Doba basin in south-  in the upstream Chadian portfolio of Glencore,
                         ern Chad.                            an Anglo-Swiss commodity trading firm. PCM’s
                           In a statement, the company noted that ship-  assets included Badila and Mangara, both of
                         ments had started within a month of PCM’s  which have been in production since 2014, and
                         acquisition by Perenco (UK/France). The latter  Krim, an undeveloped field in the Doba basin.
                         company completed its takeover of the former,   If PCM succeeds in raising yields at Badila
                         which is the operator of three oilfields in the  and Mangara to 16,000 bpd, its production will
                         Doba basin, in June of this year.    account for about 7.11% of the Chad-Came-
                           The start of exports via the Chad-Came-  roon pipeline’s design capacity of 225,000 bpd.
                         roon pipeline is the first step in PCM’s work  The link has been operating below capacity for
                         programme, which aims to bring two of the  some time and only carried about 129,200 bpd
                         three fields back on stream, the statement said.  in 2020, the last year for which confirmed data
                         Together, it added, these two sites, Badila and  are available.
                         Mangara, are capable of turning out around   The Chad-Cameroon pipeline follows a
                         16,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude.  1,070-km route from south-western Chad to
                           PCM said it had worked closely with  the Kome-Kribi floating storage and off-loading
                         Chad’s national oil company (NOC) Société  (FSO) vessel, which is anchored near the Cam-
                         des Hydrocarbures du Tchad (SHT) and with  eroonian port of Kribi. The conduit was built by
                         Chad’s Ministry of Hydrocarbons to resume  ExxonMobil under a public-private partnership
                         upstream operations at Badila and Mangara. It  agreement and began operating in 2003. It is now
                         also stressed that it had been investing in social  operated by Cameroon Oil Transportation Co.
                         welfare projects by repairing water wells in local  (COTCO).™

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