Page 8 - DMEA Week 30 2022
P. 8

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       Dram Oil contests Deloitte’s

       due diligence claim

        AFRICA           A private operator in the Ghanaian downstream  undertaking the audit in May 2018 after a previ-
                         petroleum industry, Dram Oil, has contested in  ous audit firm had failed to do so.
                         court claims made by Deloitte and Touche that it   Dram Oil now alleges that Deloitte and
                         performed its responsibilities according to estab-  Touche had relied on “irrelevant, misleading and
                         lished accounting practices, Joy News reports.  egregiously defective fictions.” Deloitte, however,
                           Lawyers for Deloitte and Touche, a Lon-  argued that its appointment to audit was not on
                         don-based auditing firm, led by Ace Ankomah  the basis of any facts established in a court judge-
                         had filed fresh documents making changes to  ment, Joy News reports.
                         their defence.                         The audit firm has since then made changes
                           Dram Oil is seeking $187mn from Deloitte  to its defence, further arguing that the terms of
                         over the latter’s alleged violation of duty of care  reference (TOR) given to it by the High Court
                         and negligence.                      did not include the facts and findings as estab-
                           The case originated from a 2013 commercial  lished by the Court, adding that it carried out
                         dispute between Dram Oil, which happens to be  its job diligently as per established accounting
                         the 7th Defendant, and Cal Bank, for which the  practices.
                         former obtained a favourable judgement.  Consequently, Dram filed documents
                           The court also made some orders requiring  through its lawyer, Gasper Lyle Nii- Ampon-
                         an audit firm to “audit the books, records and  sah, making changes to its response, accusing
                         inventory of the 7th Defendant relating to the  Deloitte of displaying a “wanton, intentional,
                         subject matter suit, particularly with respect to  careless and reckless disposition in the meth-
                         payments receivables, emergency cargo under  odology and manner in which they conducted
                         recoveries received by 7th Defendant under the  the audit and arrived at its conclusions, thereby
                         “Tripartite Agreement.”              establishing Deloitte’s gross negligence,” the
                           Deloitte and Touch were then tasked with  court document read.™

                                              SUPPLY & PROCESSING

       Turkey confident of

       extending gas deals

        MIDDLE EAST      TURKEY intends to extend its natural gas pur-  by pointing the rising availability of liquefied
                         chase agreements with key suppliers Russia,  natural gas (LNG) deliveries. It has also pushed
                         Azerbaijan and Iran, Fatih Donmez, the coun-  for more competitive pricing and flexibility
                         try’s energy and natural resources minister, told  in deal renewals, but booming gas prices have
                         Haber Global on July 26.             undermined that strategy.
                           Problems with gas supplies were unlikely to   Turkey imports gas from Iran under an agree-
                         afflict Turkey this winter as the country would  ment signed in 1996 for up to 10bn cubic metres
                         contractually secure its interests in the runup to  (bcm)/year until July 2026. It commenced in
                         winter, he said. The comments come as countries  2001 and was later reduced to 9.6 bcm/year.
                         across Europe are set to ration gas as they fear   Turkish state broadcaster TRT Haber on July
                         Russia will not provide enough for their winter  25 reported Turkish President Recep Tayyip
                         reserves in a tactical attempt at exerting pressure  Erdogan, who a week ago met with his Iranian
                         on the EU for its opposition to its war in Ukraine.  counterpart Ebrahim Raisi in Tehran, as saying
                           “Our main suppliers are Russia, Azerbaijan  Turkey has every intention of importing more
                         and Iran,” Donmez continued. “We intend to  Iranian oil and gas.
                         extend contracts with them for a new period.   Raisi, meanwhile, said after his meeting
                         We strive to meet our energy needs.”  with Erdogan that Tehran and Ankara believed
                           In recent years, Turkey has attempted to gain  they could boost their annual bilateral trade to
                         more leverage in its negotiations for pipeline gas  around $30bn.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   28•July•2022
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