Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 36 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                    Economy Minister Massa (L) and Energy Minister Royon (C) were both in Washington this week (Photo: Twitter/@SergioMassa)
       Argentina offers to

       help “fuel the world”

       The South American state is talking once again about its potential to become an
       oil and gas exporter, but it is not in a position to realise its ambitions just yet

                         ARGENTINA’S  Economy Minister Sergio   to fuel supplies. Argentina is a net energy
                         Massa declared this week that his country was   importer, as it does not produce enough crude
       WHAT:             ready to help fill some of the world’s biggest   oil, natural gas or petroleum products to cover
       Argentina’s economy   resource gaps by boosting its output of food   its needs at current rates of consumption.
       minister says his country   crops and hydrocarbon fuels.  This boldness is understandable, though,
       can help cover food and   “We are going to contribute to the global   under the circumstances.
       fuel supply gaps.  food and fuel security agenda by increasing our
                         production of energy and proteins,” Massa told   Realisation of potential
       WHY:              the Financial Times during a state visit to Wash-  On the one hand, Massa was in Washington
       The South American state   ington on September 6.      with the aim of firming up new contracts with
       has sizeable reserves   The minister, who was appointed to his post   US companies and attracting potential part-
       but is still a net importer   last month and given wide authority to reshape   ners to new investment projects, so it was in his
       of fuel.
                         Argentina’s shaky economy, has apparently   interest to play up the opportunities available in
       WHAT NEXT:        made similar offers to the US government. An   Argentina, as well as the country’s rich natural
       Vaca Muerta’s anticipated   Argentinian official told US State Department   resource endowments.
       potential will take several   officials at a meeting on September 6 that Massa   And those endowments are considerable.
       years to realise.  had said his country was ready to help “feed and   The South American state is not just a producer
                         fuel the world.”                     of grain, soy, oil and gas; it also has sizeable
                           This is a bold pledge, especially with respect   reserves of lithium and other valuable minerals.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   08•September•2022
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