Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 36 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       Satellite data shows additional

       methane leaks at Zaap in August

                         EUROPEAN  researchers have gathered   imagery that pointed to the release of more than
                         evidence of another large methane leak at   4,000 tonnes of methane, equivalent to 3% of
                         Ku-Maloob-Zaap, a cluster of oilfields operated   Mexico’s annual carbon dioxide emissions, dur-
                         by Mexico’s national oil company (NOC) Pemex   ing an “ultra-emission” event between Decem-
                         in the southern Gulf of Mexico off the coast of   ber 8 and December 27.
                         Campeche state, Reuters has reported.  Methane is often flared off during oil produc-
                           Itziar Irakulis-Loitxate, the head of a research   tion operations to minimise harmful impact. It
                         team at the Polytechnic University of Valencia,   is a key driver of climate change, as it is much
                         shared some of the data collected by satellite   more powerful than at trapping heat than car-
                         with the news agency last week, saying that   bon dioxide. However, it only lasts in the atmos-
                         methane leaks had been observed on six sepa-  phere for around a decade. ™
                         rate days in August. The leaks occurred at the
                         Zaap field between August 5 and August 29
                         and resulted in the release of 44,064 tonnes of
                         methane, equivalent to 3.7mn tonnes of carbon
                         dioxide, she said.
                           Images of the leaks were taken by three Euro-
                         pean Space Agency (ESA) satellites, she added.
                           Irakulis-Loitxate did not comment on the
                         cause of the methane leaks, which she described
                         as an “ultra-emission.” Reuters commented,
                         though,  that  much  of  the  production  and
                         transportation infrastructure at the cluster
                         was believed to be less than ideal condition.
                         Ku-Maloob-Zaap has been in production since
                         1981, and many of the cluster’s platforms and
                         pipelines and other structures are ageing.
                           As of press time, neither Pemex nor the Sec-
                         retariat of Energy (SENER) had commented on
                         the Reuters report.
                           Mexico’s government has come under pres-
                         sure to reduce methane leaks since the publica-
                         tion of an ESA report in June on the discovery
                         that Pemex experienced more methane leaks
                         at Zaap last December. In that report, an ESA
                         research team led by Irakulis-Loitxate said it
                         had discovered the leak after viewing satellite   Methane leaks at the Ku-Maloob-Zaap cluster on six days in August (Image: Pemex)

                                                TRINIDAD & TOBAGO
       BP subsidiary takes delivery

       of jack-up rig offshore Trinidad

                         BP Trinidad and Tobago (bpTT), a subsidiary   south-eastern coast of Trinidad next month.
                         of BP (UK), reported on September 5 that it   In a statement, bpTT said that the rig had
                         had taken delivery of the Joe Douglas jack-up   arrived at Chaguaramas on August 30 and
                         rig and was on track to launch a new drilling   was now due to move to Mango, a field located
                         programme in the Columbus basin off the   around 48 km from Galeota Point.

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   08•September•2022
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