Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 36 2022
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                         But Rafael Chaves Santos, the NOC’s executive   So far, the Brazilian company has focused on
                         director of institutional relations and sustaina-  re-injection as a means of capturing and stor-
                         bility, told Upstream Online that Petrobras was   ing its own carbon emissions. And thus far, it
                         mulling proposals for providing storage solu-  has been able to re-inject 35mn tonnes of CO2
                         tions to other industrial producers of carbon   equivalent back into its offshore fields, keeping
                         dioxide.                             reservoir pressure levels up and supporting its
                           Speaking on the sidelines of the Gastech 2022   own development programmes in the process.
                         conference in Milan, he described third-party   (The figure is on track to rise to at least 40mn
                         carbon dioxide storage as a possible avenue of   CO2e within the next few years.)
                         diversification for Petrobras. Nevertheless, he   However, re-injection is not the only option
                         stressed that the NOC’s board of directors and   for CCS, and sources with knowledge of the
                         executives would decide whether the business   matter told Upstream Online that Petrobras
                         should develop in this direction. Additionally,   would probably be working with other inter-
                         he declared that Petrobras would not be exiting   national oil companies (IOCs), especially joint
                         the hydrocarbon business in the foreseeable   venture partners such as Shell (UK), to develop
                         future. In the meantime, the company is exam-  other methods. These partners can help the
                         ining its options, he indicated. “It’s a study we are   NOC with research and development of carbon
                         doing right now,” he said.           dioxide compression and transport solutions,
                           Chaves did not reveal all the parameters of   the sources said.
                         the study, but he did state that Petrobras was   Upstream Online, for its part, said Petrobras
                         looking into possible solutions from “a techni-  might unveil some of its plans on this front in
                         cal perspective with a multi-disciplinary group”   October, during the Rio Oil & Gas 2022 con-
                         for using existing and newly established storage   ference. The event is scheduled to take place on
                         sites to sequestrate captured carbon dioxide.  October 26-29 in Rio de Janeiro. ™

       Argentina’s PAE considers establishing

       route through Uruguay to send gas to Brazil

                         PAN American Energy (PAE), Argentina’s
                         second-largest producer of crude oil and
                         fourth-largest supplier of natural gas, has
                         announced plans to start supplying gas to neigh-
                         bouring Brazil.
                           Marcos Bulgheroni, the company’s CEO, said
                         last week that PAE was currently in talks with
                         partners on the construction of a cross-border
                         pipeline to Uruguay that could be expanded
                         to raise supplies of gas to Brazil as well. “We
                         have a big opportunity to export gas to Brazil,”
                         he explained at a seminar organised by Clarín
                         newspaper in Buenos Aires.
                           Alternatively, he said, Argentina could
                         export gas to Brazil via Bolivia. This route will
                         become viable once Buenos Aires completes
                         the construction of a $3.4bn pipeline from the
                         Vaca Muerta shale formation, most of which lies
                         within the Neuquen province, to central Argen-
                         tina, he said.                             PAE is considering both Uruguay and Bolivia as transit states (Photo: EPE)
                           Work on this link, which will expand the
                         capacity of the country’s gas pipeline system by   Bolivian gas production did slump to 43.1 mcm
                         44mn cubic metres per day, is expected to com-  per day in the first half of 2022, down from 47.7
                         mence this year.                     mcm per day.
                           No matter which route is chosen, Brazil   Meanwhile, Bolivian gas export volumes
                         needs Argentinian gas in order to make up   have declined by 28% from their peak of 60.8
                         for the decline in deliveries for Bolivia, where   mcm per day in 2014, according to data from the
                         production has been falling, Bulgheroni said.   Bolivian National Institute of Statistics.

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   08•September•2022
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