Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 36 2022
P. 13

LatAmOil                                        ECUADOR                                            LatAmOil

                                            The commodities trader says it is in compliance with EU sanctions (Photo: Trafigura)

                         Trafigura’s willingness to handle the Russian fuel   have also sought to deter other buyers from
                         to Latin America has raised eyebrows, given that   purchasing these commodities, but they have
                         the trader had previously stated its intent to turn   had limited success in markets such as China
                         away from Russia. However, the Singaporean   and India, where Russian oil and fuel continues
                         company had said in April that it would cease to   to find customers because of their lower prices.
                         sign contracts for crude oil from Russian state-  State-owned Petroecuador, which normally
                         backed producer Rosneft by May 15, the cut-off   buys fuels from US refineries, commented that
                         set by the EU for new deals. Since this only refers   Ecuador’s current priority is to overcome the
                         to Rosneft, it does seem to leave some leeway for   ongoing supply shortage triggered by sanctions
                         transactions such as the shipment of Russian   on Russia.
                         diesel to Ecuador.                     “Ecuador has a deficit in the supply of oil
                           In an effort to put pressure on Russia follow-  products and our number one priority is to
                         ing the invasion of Ukraine, the EU and the US   make up for that deficit,” the NOC said in a state-
                         have both imposed bans on the import of Rus-  ment justifying its decision to accept deliveries
                         sian crude oil and petroleum products. They   of Russian diesel. ™

       OPEC+ group reverses recent production

       quota increase with first cut in 18 months

                         THE OPEC+ group of oil producers met this   with quotas – that is, underproduction. Mem-
                         week to decide their next production quotas,   bers have been struggling to raise output as
                         electing to row back on last month’s increase in   they max out capacity and Russian levels are
                         the wake of falling prices and demand concerns.  depressed by domestic economic problems
                           As expected, the 100,000 barrel per day (bpd)   and other sanctions-related issues. As a result,
                         uptick added in August was removed again on   the impact on markets has been muted, but the
                         September 6, with the group saying it would   message behind the move may signal what is to
                         meet again on October 5. In a press release pub-  come.
                         lished by OPEC, the group noted “the adverse   While Saudi Arabia has been able to increase
                         impact of volatility and the decline in liquid-  output to around 10.9mn bpd in July and August
                         ity on the current oil market and the need to   from 10.7mn bpd in June, there are concerns
                         support the market’s stability and its efficient   about its ability and desire to raise production
                         functioning.”                        towards majority state-owned NOC Saudi Ara-
                           It also reiterated its “readiness to make   mco’s self-proclaimed 12mn bpd maximum sus-
                         immediate adjustments to production in differ-  tainable capacity (MSC).
                         ent forms, if needed.”                 The reduction swiftly dispelled any return of
                           The OPEC+ group’s caution occurs against a   questions about the OPEC+ group’s relevance
                         backdrop of concerns about a global recession   and while the market’s thirst for oil has tested
                         and the apparently rising possibility that Iranian   the top end of production, a willingness to cut
                         oil will return to the market.       output is likely to ensure the producers keep
                           The quota cut is the group’s first for 18   crude prices within levels they deem acceptable
                         months and follows months of over-compliance   – reportedly a minimum of $90 per barrel. ™

       Week 36   08•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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