Page 12 - LatAmOil Week 36 2022
P. 12

LatAmOil                                        ECUADOR                                             LatAmOil

       Indigenous groups seek to compel

       Quito to reverse oil, mining awards

                         THE Waorani and A’i Cofan indigenous com-  was requesting that Quito enforce a 2018 court
                         munities of the upper Amazon River have   ruling reversing the award of 20 mining con-
                         petitioned Ecuador’s Constitutional Court to   cessions along the Aguarico River. Represent-
                         enforce previous court rulings rescinding the   atives of the A’i Cofan community say that the
                         award of various hydrocarbon and mining   government has only suspended the awards and
                         concessions.                         has also failed to uphold pledges to restore the
                           According to a report from Reuters, delega-  environments damaged by mining companies.
                         tions from both communities appeared in the   As of press time, Ecuador’s government had
                         Constitutional Court on September 6 to request   not commented on the indigenous communi-
                         that Quito abide by decisions handed down by   ties’ petition to the Constitutional Court. Both
                         lower courts in 2018 and 2019. They asked the   the Waorani and the A’i Cofan have complained
                         Constitutional Court to compel the Environ-  that they were not adequately consulted about
                         ment Ministry and the Ministry of Mines and   plans for using their land for resource extrac-
                         Energy to enforce these verdicts.    tion. ™
                           The Waorani community was seeking to
                         enforce a court ruling handed down in 2019,
                         in which a judge determined that its rights had
                         been violated by the government’s creation
                         of a licence area known as Block 22. The site
                         has never been awarded to an oil company for
                         exploration or development, but the Waorani
                         are looking to prevent their lands from becom-
                         ing a hub for hydrocarbon operations.
                           Gilberto Nenquima, the president of the
                         Waorani nation in Pastaza Province, told report-
                         ers on September 6 that Quito’s delay in enforc-
                         ing the 2019 court decision was unacceptable.
                         “We want answers because it has been years,” he
                         declared. “They must carry out the ruling.”
                           Wider Guaramag, the president of the A’i
                         Cofan community of Sinangoe in Sucumbios
                         Province, spoke similarly. “It’s been several years
                         but the sentence has not been carried out at all,”
                         he said. “The violation of our rights continues.”
                           Reuters noted that the Sinangoe community   Waorani territory was used to create Block 22 (Photo: Amazon Watch)

       Trafigura reportedly redirecting

       Russian diesel fuel to Ecuador

                         THE Singapore-based commodities trader Tra-  national oil company (NOC). The vessel has
                         figura Group has started redirecting shipments   been loaded with 262,000 barrels of the fuel,
                         of Russian diesel to Latin American markets   sources with knowledge of the matter said.
                         in the face of a looming EU ban on petroleum   The trader has taken this step as Brussels
                         product imports originating in Russia.  phases in a ban on the sale and import of Russian
                           Bloomberg reported on one such shipment   petroleum products. When questioned about
                         last week, noting that Trafigura had chartered   the company’s actions on this front, a spokesper-
                         the Marlin Aventurine tanker to transport Rus-  son for Trafigura told Bloomberg that the trader
                         sian-made diesel to Petroecuador, Ecuador’s   remained in full compliance with EU sanctions.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   08•September•2022
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